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By the powers bestowed upon me I say:

I'm in!

Thank you for your great generosity! ^_^
Not in unfortunately because the scammers and hackers keep bombarding me with negative rep.
+1 for the giveaway anyway and Thanks.
Not in.
Post edited August 24, 2015 by RWarehall
Very nice! Not in, but thank you.
without a doubt I'm in!!
I'm in!

Thank you & +1! :D
I'm in aswell.

Had this game in my list of "Important, Old, and Popular PC games that need to be here"

And I love me some Isometric RPGs. Especially if they are pre-rendered backgrounds.
Nice giveaway :)
I'm in and thanks for the chance!
I'm in!. Thank you!
I'm in
Thanks for the giveaway and gl to everyone :)
I'm in!

I remember it as a title but I'm not sure if I played it back then. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)
I'm in and thanks for the giveaway! :)
I'm in
Thanks :)
NOT in for obvious reasons, I just want to thank the gifter and say that its a really cool game.
Great giveaway, +1 for your generosity :)

I'm in.