Crimson-X: They added Epic EOS to online multiplayer and made it so you have to be online for all 3 games to play single player... and now they rolled back the patch. So it's currently got Denuvo again.
Nothing surprises me these days. As soon as Steam started encouraging devs to move parts of the game into the client, the writing was on the wall as to how many problems we'd have in future when other competing clients do the same. Also no Denuvo doesn't = DRM-Free. Both games are still 100% DRM'd on all platforms:- ^ It's unknown whether the Epic version of Rise of the Tomb Raider has DRM in, but if it needs to be online anyway for Epic Online Services, it hardly matters as it's exactly the same. Likewise, the Microsoft Store and Mac versions of Rise have DRM in.
StingingVelvet: Why does GOG have to get constant second-guessing like this when they just reaffirmed their commitment by removing Hitman 2016?
Because of the mixed messages. Hitman was dealt with, but people
are still waiting for a fix after 4.5 months of "investigating" this game's broken offline installers (on top of the
two years people are still waiting for a fix for Divinity Original Sin). I suspect the "constant second-guessing" of which offline installers work properly or not, will reduce when more of the broken stuff actually gets fixed instead of ignored & abandoned...