HereForTheBeer: That's not my point. The point is the effectiveness, and whether bans - or any other proposed measures - will 'clean up' the place. As I said, let's check back in 6 months. Saying it is one thing. Implementation is a whole other thing.
I think they will, as I belive it was the total lack of any moderation that made the forum so attractive to trolls and people looking for a soap box for particuarly hateful or crazy ramblings. But even if it does not work, at least it shows that GOG will no longer acquiesce to the trolls. As long as it's more than just a token effort, I will appreciate it and be gratefull for it regardless of whether the trolls leave, or try to circumvent the moderation. At least, like Vaina said, it will be clear that the trolls are not wanted here, and are not part of the community.