Sorry I don't know if there is a way, but i feel your pain, especially when i tried to use Galaxy on a small laptop screen. The text is just too small for my poor eyes.
I have exactly the same problem with Steam, there I also felt almost all the text was far too small in the client (running the client on a 17.3" laptop screen at 1920x1080 resolution). I found an unofficial way to try to make text bigger in the Steam client but it was quite complicated and laborious to achieve, I think it took me an hour to do it according to the instructions, having to edit dozens upon dozens of things in some config file etc.
At least now most of the text in the Steam client got bigger, but not all (maybe some of the text is like part of pictures so the font settings wont affect them). Oh and I started playing Team Fortress 2 in a lower resolution (1280x720 instead of 1920x1080), just so that the in-game console text and such would be bigger on my screen. Why can't the text and icons scale, stay at the same size regardless of your resolution?
Clients like GOG Galaxy and Steam badly need the same zoom function as browsers have had for ages (Ctrl +/-, or Ctrl and mousewheel).
Post edited December 15, 2016 by timppu