nightcraw1er.488: Well, rogue was more of a dlc for black flag. Can’t remember any story, all I remember is it ended after a short time, and very abruptly. Freedoms cry is probably not much shorter. It’s a big switch going from single player to mmo though, and it really shows when it happens. DA: Inquisition for example, feels like origins, but you can tell it was meant to be an mmo. KoAmalaur is another. Lots of big open areas, then very little actual content, or reason to be in them other than endless fetch quests.
Sorry, was trying to do too many things yesterday and didn't pay enough attention to what I was writing...
Yes, what I initially meant to write was that since many fans wanted a straight pirate IP -- and since Ubi put out AC Rogue somewhat quickly -- it would have seemed relatively easy for Ubi to simply release a pirate game. Very little would have needed to be done differently outside of story.
As for Skull & Bones...
... yes, I agree.... an MMO is a different beast, but it sounds like they had a strong proof-of-concept that was essentially MP Black Flag ship battles that then got a big re-think due to a want (audience or management?) of land activities. At this point I would rather they released that and then built on the idea instead of... nothing.
What I find funny is when Sea of Thieves released and it looked like a joke... cartoony (although amazing wave work!) and very limited gameplay options. But over time the art direction grew on many and the gameplay keeps expanding.
Guess I'll have to watch Black Sails, read some Sabatini, drink some rum, and come to terms with this game never coming out.