Posted August 05, 2017

They oughta just get rid of operating systems and applications, that paradigm has never worked without problems and gets worse the more they add to it. Great job security, though. Companies pay computer engineers to solve problems with computers which then become problems, and then pay the computer engineers again to solve the new problems created by the old solutions. So, people should never buy computers, only companies can afford to have them.
What's weirder is that you only seem to care about the health and efficiency of computer programs and totally disregard the health and efficiency of society itself. It would make more sense to talk about communal computers built and maintained by a radically different mode of production.
Every single major industry is ass-backwards because neoliberalism itself is ass-backwards. It puts the cart before the horse in all things. Even your proposed solution works by the same Alice in Wonderland logic. Instead of identifying and eliminating the core problem or designing something from the ground-up to serve a specific purpose, everything becomes a rube goldberg machine that sets out to do one thing, then gets patched and repatched until it does another, then patched again until it does nothing well, we all end up morbidly obese, our cities end up a sprawling, convoluted mess, our children end up shooting each other, corporations burn a trillion dollars in order to sell the ash for pennies, and our government constantly tries to rip itself apart and kill everyone.