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GameRager: My recommendations: Tomato(with or without rice), Bean and Bacon, Split Pea....all are good.
Nope. Soup is the mug's original purpose, with me it's bitter black coffee. although I wouldn't say no to a tomato soup.

GameRager: Just do what I also do and exercise every other day as well....I do stretches and jogging and some other things to keep somewhat fit(despite all the junk I eat).
You want me to start running around the house at 4am? :)

With that much coffee I might...
low rated
Stooner: You want me to start running around the house at 4am? :)

With that much coffee I might...
I meant jogging in place, ya silly billy. :D
My doctor and I have been experimenting with sleep aids recently, because my sleep is so restless. Last one we tried had me groggy half the next day, and light-headed, so I quit it last night. Slept 4 hours instead and now feel exhausted. Lose-lose situation honestly.

low rated
StingingVelvet: ANYWAY I'M UP HOW YA GUYS DOIN?!?!?!
*Shields ears*

Shh...plz no irritates my sensitive ears. o.0

That said, I feel ya on the sleeping aids....I was on em a few years back in the hospital, and now that i'm off em I sleep maybe 6 hours and matter how tired I still am.
Clock is 03:40 am and my neighbors are idiots, i'm not tired either so it's impossible to sleep and i tried everything so i just said fuck it ! i can sleep another day instead. Luckily i'm not that old yet so i should be able handle it.

Bring the beer folks, this is going to be a grand day this monday.
Post edited June 08, 2020 by ChrisGamer300
low rated
We will all sleep at some point(whether we want to or not) I say for now, let us stay up and be merry.....huzzah!
Also pulling an all-nighter tonight. Simply not tired after waking up at 3:30 PM today. Currently 4:45 AM, leaving for work in about 3.5 hours. If I went to bed now, I would just wake up even more tired. Gotta fix the schedule by force :P

Gaming the hours away, it goes by pretty fast :)
low rated
Up late...again...trying to knock a few dozen YT videos off my play lists, and figure out what to play.
(Also sorry to y'all for the slight necro...I really like this thread on occasion)
Post edited August 24, 2020 by GameRacer
I'm doing better at going to be "early" lately... early being 2AM.
low rated
StingingVelvet: I'm doing better at going to be "early" lately... early being 2AM.
All the better to get the small/misc stuff done early so one doesn't have to rush to do it later.

That is, after one's "morning" coffee. :)

(Also it's much quieter in the early hours....much easier to meditate and relax if one has a mind to do such)
Post edited August 24, 2020 by GameRacer
I came back from my holiday. I havent really slept in 4 days now... Insomnia is still kicking in strong.
low rated
Cyberway: I came back from my holiday. I havent really slept in 4 days now... Insomnia is still kicking in strong.
I had insomnia a few years back, so I can somewhat relate. Hope you get some rest soon enough.
Yes, but no but yes. It's just 06:00 here, and I woke up an hour earlier.
low rated
Up once again.....playing some SOF(thanks to a generous soul who gifted me it out of the blue) and drinking some (cheap) 8 year whiskey.
low rated
I'm up...drinking...and thinking(mainly about the stuff I talk about in the bitch about life thread, the holiday season, etc).

What's on the menu tonight? Whiskey, on the rocks for a bit.