Tallima: ~snip
Once we had our son, we learned that we're hardly anything special. Many, many, many people deal with hardships with their family's health. It's part of life. It's a tough part, but it's also filled with many joys, encouragements and massive heaps of love.
I didnt see any errors so no worries, not that I pay much attention to grammar and spelling in forum chats. :p My thoughts are with your little warrior, I have a niece who injured her spine while on duty and she has had a few fusions and will prob have more. I worry about her constant pain but with proper treatment, pain management and rehab most patients can do well and live lives normally. This i wish for him.
What you posted at the end is very true, most of us get thrust into these situations and just have to deal any way they can. If someone finds a game helpful then more power to them. I personally dont like entertainment that dwells on my sorrows, and prefer more escapist genres.