Spend about a week away from home. Before I set off, I had decided to give my bike some basic maintenance - clean and re-lube the drivetrain - and when I came back, it turned out I hadn't done a very good job. The chain was covered in rust, and there were rust spots on nearly all sprockets. Got home late in the evening and, knowing I'd have to get to class the following morning, dismantled the drivetrain, degreased it, sprayed WD40 everywhere to get rid of the rust. Happily, the rusting had been superficial, and the rollers were some of the few parts that had actually been lubricated by my haphazard job. Anyway, after I'd applied all sorts of chemicals and cleaned and dried and re-lubed the entire system, I noticed it was about 2 a.m. and that when I dislodged phlegm from my larynx, it decided to carry some blood with it as well. No going to the lecture, then. This is the only kind of illness I ever seem to catch, so it's not a big deal in that respect, I know it'll go away in a few days.
Also, looking for a job for the summer. They're all crap, obviously, so I kind of lack the inspiration to write applications, even though I know I desperately need the money and the experience.
On a happier note, my new lock arrived. Frequent readers might remember that my bikes - including the current one - have been favourite targets among thieves, so let's hope this heavy old bastard puts an end to that.