Fenixp: Just a sidenote, have you told all that to her? And not told as pissed off argument, but told as calm remarks. 'cause if you have and she's not doing anything to change it, well, I'd say tough luck for her.
Funny thing about impeded creativity tho, I have noticed that I'm not nearly as creative as I used to be now that I have a wife. I'll have to remedy that.
I did - on multiple occasions. The thing is that being right or feeling to be right doesn't auto-win an argument. People have their opinions and aren't easily convinced of something contrary to their view. It doesn't help if one is conceived as the non-true, ominous, almost dishonest
asshole. Every time I start thinking about ending our relationship she seems to sense this and suddenly things get a lot better for a while almost reaching the point where I'm like "I don't want to destroy this".