Posted March 30, 2020
low rated
Seeing as the other thread is now gone, and many were making good use of the old one before it was closed, I have taken it upon myself to make a new one for those who might still have use for such or want to use such.
Please feel free to post anything COVID related(that fits within the forum guidelines) here, including: news reports-articles, well wishes for other users and other people of the world, good advice/tips on how to stay healthy and safe, interesting COVID related media(songs/videos/etc), etc.
(Before this thread begins properly, however I humbly ask for only one thing: if anyone wants to delve into anything not allowed on the forums please either take it to PM(with the user in question you want to discuss such with), to a quicktopics(I have several linked in my own offtopic thread, or one could make their own), or somewhere else....this way the thread can remain open for all to use during this crisis)
That said, I hope everyone stays safe and well during all this, and I wish everyone welcome to the thread.
Some info put together-linked to by other users in the thread
For any who are curious: a list of symptoms of Corona/covid(as compiled/listed by Kai2)
Hand Sanitizer recipe (Put up by the W.H.O. and listed by LiefLayer here) for any who need it and can get the required ingredients in their area
German research+studies showing that Corona might not last on surfaces as long as some think-Info on this in this post by Dray2k(along with some other useful advice)
More info+links from Dray2k on the above linked study and it's progress
Even more good info-posts by Dray2k(he also posts again some good info in post 163 as well)
Information on Chloroquine's apparent lack of effectiveness-Link here, Posted by Francksteel
Links to info on how to make one's own face mask and info about the practicality of face mask usage during this situation-Posted by Thorchild here
A link to a guidebook put together by doctors-nurses fighting the pandemic, for use by others in the field-Posted by Spectre here
More info compiled by scientists about how to decontaminate-reuse n95 mask-Linked by Spectre here
More good Info from Dray2k(once again), such as how social distancing and other measures might be enough be themselves and various informative links(He also posts some more useful-good info in Post 191 as well)
An informative+funny PSA on Covid 19 precautions by The Three Stooges
A good video about how fear-stress affect one's overall health + how people should stay positive as much as possible through all this...definitely worth a watch imo(Posted by Falloutttt in post 180)
Other threads made by other users on the thread topic ===================================================================
For all non allowed posts-articles-etc ===================================================================
Some additions in the form of somewhat good news
Ex-Knicks Player trying to get 10M masks shipped from a chinese manufacturer to NY
App lets people donate money to be spent on pizzas for medical workers(in the US only, I believe)
Russia Sending plane full of medical equipment to the US(As mentioned by Falloutttt in post 65 and then linked to by GreasyDogMeat in Post 72)
Some info from India and a couple news articles-By Shadowstalker16
(Also I will be adding any good/informative links or info others post to this thread in this section/as I notice them, so people can look to this post instead of having to search through too many posts[if the thread grows too big to search through])
Some music to groove to
Thread theme(Ready To Go-Republica)
A great uplifting song(Mr Blue Sky-ELO)
Gotta stay optimistic, am I right?(King of wishful Thinking-Go West)
For all the hard working doctors-scientists-etc out there...this one is for y'all(She blinded me with science-Thomas Dolby)
Just a good old groovy tune from a somewhat good game(Just an Illusion-From Indigo Prophecy)
For all of us still kicking on this dirt ball of a planet during all this....a bit of Vidya Music(Ain't No Rest for the Wicked-Cage The Elephant)
A cute uplifting clip submitted by a fellow user-Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil
A clip from a favorite animated film of mine(Kids In America-Jimmy Neutron)
(nostalgia, the cure for being down in the dumps for many a kid at heart :))
A funny musical remix of Justine Trudeau-Speaking Mositly(By user Falloutttt in another thread)
A great bit of Disney Nostalgia: I stand Alone(From the film Quest for fits the whole lockdown theme, I think, and the movie is decent enough as well)
Some less cheerful news/info
Some somewhat bad news....from info coming from those in China, it would seem the number of Corona deaths(from the illness or the lockdown) in Wuhan might be 10x or more the official numbers
Train derailed by man trying to ram the ship USS Mercy(Linked by user RawSteelUT in another thread)
A nurse was suspended for raising money for gear for her fellow workers and then distributing said gear to them without authorization
Some music/media that's not as upbeat, but fits the topic/theme
A very good listen in these times: George Carlin on Germs(As linked to in Post 164 by user falloutttt)
I think i'm paranoid(Garbage-Shirley Manson)
How a good number of people are acting atm(Monk tv show Intro Theme)
If anyone wants to help out with keeping this thread open + has about 5 minutes or so to spare, I ask that users send a support ticket via this link to GOG to ask GOG to allow a temporary exception for this thread(politics talk pertaining only to the topic....i.e. COVID)
Support form link
(Under problem type pick suggestion, fill out the fields, and submit)
Please feel free to post anything COVID related(that fits within the forum guidelines) here, including: news reports-articles, well wishes for other users and other people of the world, good advice/tips on how to stay healthy and safe, interesting COVID related media(songs/videos/etc), etc.
(Before this thread begins properly, however I humbly ask for only one thing: if anyone wants to delve into anything not allowed on the forums please either take it to PM(with the user in question you want to discuss such with), to a quicktopics(I have several linked in my own offtopic thread, or one could make their own), or somewhere else....this way the thread can remain open for all to use during this crisis)
That said, I hope everyone stays safe and well during all this, and I wish everyone welcome to the thread.
Some info put together-linked to by other users in the thread
For any who are curious: a list of symptoms of Corona/covid(as compiled/listed by Kai2)
Hand Sanitizer recipe (Put up by the W.H.O. and listed by LiefLayer here) for any who need it and can get the required ingredients in their area
German research+studies showing that Corona might not last on surfaces as long as some think-Info on this in this post by Dray2k(along with some other useful advice)
More info+links from Dray2k on the above linked study and it's progress
Even more good info-posts by Dray2k(he also posts again some good info in post 163 as well)
Information on Chloroquine's apparent lack of effectiveness-Link here, Posted by Francksteel
Links to info on how to make one's own face mask and info about the practicality of face mask usage during this situation-Posted by Thorchild here
A link to a guidebook put together by doctors-nurses fighting the pandemic, for use by others in the field-Posted by Spectre here
More info compiled by scientists about how to decontaminate-reuse n95 mask-Linked by Spectre here
More good Info from Dray2k(once again), such as how social distancing and other measures might be enough be themselves and various informative links(He also posts some more useful-good info in Post 191 as well)
An informative+funny PSA on Covid 19 precautions by The Three Stooges
A good video about how fear-stress affect one's overall health + how people should stay positive as much as possible through all this...definitely worth a watch imo(Posted by Falloutttt in post 180)
Other threads made by other users on the thread topic ===================================================================
For all non allowed posts-articles-etc ===================================================================
Some additions in the form of somewhat good news
Ex-Knicks Player trying to get 10M masks shipped from a chinese manufacturer to NY
App lets people donate money to be spent on pizzas for medical workers(in the US only, I believe)
Russia Sending plane full of medical equipment to the US(As mentioned by Falloutttt in post 65 and then linked to by GreasyDogMeat in Post 72)
Some info from India and a couple news articles-By Shadowstalker16
Some music to groove to
Thread theme(Ready To Go-Republica)
A great uplifting song(Mr Blue Sky-ELO)
Gotta stay optimistic, am I right?(King of wishful Thinking-Go West)
For all the hard working doctors-scientists-etc out there...this one is for y'all(She blinded me with science-Thomas Dolby)
Just a good old groovy tune from a somewhat good game(Just an Illusion-From Indigo Prophecy)
For all of us still kicking on this dirt ball of a planet during all this....a bit of Vidya Music(Ain't No Rest for the Wicked-Cage The Elephant)
A cute uplifting clip submitted by a fellow user-Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil
A clip from a favorite animated film of mine(Kids In America-Jimmy Neutron)
(nostalgia, the cure for being down in the dumps for many a kid at heart :))
A funny musical remix of Justine Trudeau-Speaking Mositly(By user Falloutttt in another thread)
A great bit of Disney Nostalgia: I stand Alone(From the film Quest for fits the whole lockdown theme, I think, and the movie is decent enough as well)
Some less cheerful news/info
Some somewhat bad news....from info coming from those in China, it would seem the number of Corona deaths(from the illness or the lockdown) in Wuhan might be 10x or more the official numbers
Train derailed by man trying to ram the ship USS Mercy(Linked by user RawSteelUT in another thread)
A nurse was suspended for raising money for gear for her fellow workers and then distributing said gear to them without authorization
Some music/media that's not as upbeat, but fits the topic/theme
A very good listen in these times: George Carlin on Germs(As linked to in Post 164 by user falloutttt)
I think i'm paranoid(Garbage-Shirley Manson)
How a good number of people are acting atm(Monk tv show Intro Theme)
If anyone wants to help out with keeping this thread open + has about 5 minutes or so to spare, I ask that users send a support ticket via this link to GOG to ask GOG to allow a temporary exception for this thread(politics talk pertaining only to the topic....i.e. COVID)
Support form link
(Under problem type pick suggestion, fill out the fields, and submit)
Post edited April 27, 2020 by GameRager