ciemnogrodzianin: # As a game is quite complex and players may have troubles to find support, here is the
full walthrough.
There's also the FAQ here with a lot of basics explained => .
bler144: I suppose I could start over with a different party (was tempted to try a roge/duelist tank in any case over the warrior) and auto-map on to get a gauge of how the game might be experienced by casual players.
The Assassin & the Duelist are both more technical than the Man At Arms & the Protector, so I'm not sure they could be seen as more casual... :)
bler144: This is a game that wants you to figure things out, and make the correct choices
It feels very nice to see someone getting & explaining the game well !
And to answer your post here : Putting the map in different places according to an option is an interesting idea, I'll keep it in mind when I desgin new levels.
For the Level 3, the map is actually relatively close to the level start ; you might have missed it, as it can be hard to notice it ; plus it greatly depends on the way you explore, as this level is non-linear.
amok: how is it with twitch / timed puzzles? LoG killed if for me with those, my fingers are just not fast enough, and in the trailer for this game noticed some running on tiles with fireballs and trapdoors...
All timed puzzles are optional to get extra gear, with 1 exception at the start of the game, but it's a super slow & basic one.
There are also a few traps, but as
bler144 said, you can temporarily lower the difficulty to lower the damage if it gets really too annoying.
Last thing, a tip : you can pause during the puzzle if you need to check your bearings..! :)
Leroux: on default monsters are HP sponges, particularly the bosses, and the WoW-style mechanics with cooldown abilities get old and tedious pretty quickly, IMO
the normal Mobs shouldn't feel as HP sponges, so maybe you don't use correctly your abilities, but more likely it's because you feel there are just too many of them ; in that case, you're not the only one and this complaint came very regularly, so in addition of the customizable HP percentages that you have already noticed, and like
bler144 said, I added the "Low Enemy Density" option in Game Options. :-)
Niggles: The only downside imho (and its the only turn off for me) is the LoG visual style (not the biggest fan of it...)....I know there is plenty more to the game judging from a lot of the comments but it is a big detractor for me...
Once you're in-game, it doesn't feel much like LoG : the camera is significantly different, the GUI is very different, even the movement & controls feel different (it's more like a classic 3D FPS).
Crosmando: Might have something to do with the fact that the game apparently uses a lot of Unity store assets (rather than uniquely created stuff), so the real reason might be "it's too cheap looking". But then again theres plenty of cheap looking games on GOG anyway.
Actually, it's because I greatly enjoyed the mossy environment of LoG1 and wanted my own version of it. But as I'm not an art director, I failed to see the produced result would give a global feeling too close of LoG's one. More details here => .