Well - as long as it isn't a platform for "scientific indocrination" (as in "hey viewers you're all just biological automata programmed only to replicate your genetic material - oh and watch ST : TNG) , then it can only be x10 better than TNG.
JMayer70: That kind of BS "science", especially with all the "meaning (or rather NON-meaning) of life" crap (neo-Darwinism, brain and behaviour, machine conciousness / emotions and all the other Frankensteinian BS) is what made me stop watching Star Trek as far back as 1990 when TNG came around. Worst far leftwing, commie friendly, "anti-spiritual" crap propaganda I've ever seen, excepting "Seaquest DSV" (remember that shite?), apparently Gene Roddenberry was on real "Richard Dawkins" trip at the timee and hoped his ST:TNG would "cure" the human race of "irrationalism" :D..... oh for the innocent days of the 1960's ST!
morolf: I kind of agree with you about that, even though I think TNG was still quite good (and certainly not as ridiculously pc as some episodes of Enterprise were). But there was certainly a marked difference in tone between TOS - which was liberal, but above all self-confident, classical Americanism - and TNG.
The "science" part of Trek was probably always pretty bad. TNG also had a ridiculous episode (with a moral about "prejudice") in which an entire species evolved into energy beings, with individuals suddenly transforming into their new form. That's not how evolution works, which was obvious even to me as a layman.
Aye, does even science itself fully understand evolution. I certainly believe Darwinism is flawed, and the now accepted "neo-Darwinism" more so. However I could never accept the many religious ideas on the subject neither. Those that claim to know most I think know least, on both sides, such as Dawkins on the Darwin side and some fellow called Hamm on the Creationist side (raves a lot of sites like Answers in Genesis). They're all rather "extremeist" IMO. But hey, can I offer any really system-bucking alternatives that will turn the world's view upside down? Mmmmm, not really! :D
Still, have to be careful talking such as this, many see it a heresy, hang the barsteward grade heresy even! Puts me in danger of both militants from atheist and religious camps trolling me! Others will just see it a being "healthily skeptical" of the whole hog! :D
Ah well..... peace bro!