Breja: Oh, come on. There weere entire episodes like [...]
I didn't say there weren't any action focussed episodes at all. Most season finales of any Star Trek series were purely action focussed. But this was always the exception. As I said: The Defiant was a warship (the Federation doesn't build any warships) and saw less battles in 5 seasons than we get in one JJ Trek movie.
Breja: Enterprise's entire third season with the fight against Xindi was full of action episodes like Azati Prime. They even brought a squad of marines on board for more action.
Enterprise isn't a very good argument... Especially season 3 isn't... They changed a lot of things in season 3 to save the show from being cancelled. It didn't work out and they didn't want a fourth season. We got the fourth season because fans signed petitions and stuff, but... well... We didn't get a fifth one.
Breja: And this is just some stuff that comes to mind now. And not getting into way more action-oriented movies. This is exactly what I mean about fans having a distorted image of the franchise. Action and adventure were always big parts the franchise.
I'd say Deep Space 9 is the most action focussed Star Trek series AND the most "high-brow" one at the same time (Sisko's been through a lot of moral dilemma). They managed to mix both things pretty fine. Voyager had it's action too (Kazon and Borg), but Janeway was always a walking Starfleet Moral Codex (I often hated her for being so stubborn). So Voyager had a good mix too. I can't find that mix in the new movies. sorry.
Breja: You may not like the new movies- that's fine, that's your prerogative.
It's not that I don't like it. I just don't think it's Star Trek. As I said in the first post I made in this thread: "
If you want to do Sci Fi action movies, create a new franchise. But don't call it Star Trek and hope that people will love it."
Breja: But all the talking about how it's not Star Trek anymore
because it has action and explosions is just silly. There is nothing about those movies that warrants drawing the line on them.
No. Because it's
almost entirely about "action and explosions"!
The Federation is about overcoming war, social problems and diseases. They wanted to make the universe a better place for everyone to live "long and prosper". And sometimes they had to defend their idea against some bad boys.
Even the pretty dark DS9 had lots of this Federation idealism in it (Sisko's son and his Ferengi friend - was it Nog? - had a lot of those "I don't get your Federation" moments). And Voyager... They were far away from the Federation, but still wanted to stick to their ideals. Even the new Enterprise thing was basically all about the Federation and it's (upcoming) principles. JJ Trek is just BOOM. The old movies had developed characters going on war. The new movies have characters going on war without having time for development. They have glorious names, but not a lot of personality and story. They're action heroes with Star Trek names.
Maybe I'm a bit hard-bitten here, but I still don't think that Star Trek works as a series of sci fi action movies. Star Trek works best as a TV series. Throwing undeveloped characters into some action movie doesn't work for me and lots of other Star Trek fans. And as I said: People who were not interested into Star Trek over the last few decades won't watch the movies either, because they probably don't know that JJ Trek is different from the shows they never liked. So it remains stupid to call it Star Trek. Just give it a new name.