TwilightBard: Pretty much. And that second to last one? One Anita Sarkeesian.
I had a long string of expletives when I saw that last one though, it still makes my blood boil.
Jennifer: I'm laughing too hard to be angry XD "You can weaponize nice" written next to a bunny rabbit? For some reason that makes me think of a book I read in grade-school called Bunnicula about a vampire bunny rabbit. It was better reading than anything I've seen from the likes of Anita and her group :P
Hey, I remember reading that book! Actually IIRC I think I read the entire series :P
I used to be a BIIIG reader, but nowadays I mostly spend my free time working on projects, browsing the internet, watching movies, or playing games :P. I don't read very much anymore. Kind of sad in a way, but you can't do everything, and I prefer to spend my free time pursuing the things I'm passionate about.