Posted November 10, 2015
Don't you think it's a bit peculiar that you're currently addressing part of GG's base and we all seem unaware of any of this having occurred? Isn't it possible that you're ascribing motives to everyone that are only true of a few?
And do you have a link to that manifesto? I'd be interested in reading it. (But please... no more long videos. There's just not enough time to watch someone slowly make their point.)
TARFU: The internet is a ruff place, a shark tank. Don't get in the water if you can't handle it. You know what it takes to sell real estate? It takes brass balls to sell real estate. My brain is unable to avoid reading this in Donald Trump's voice for some reason despite knowing it's from Glengarry Glen Ross.
The "fat whiny" part of your post probably isn't going to help elevate the conversation (nor is the political stuff, noncompliantgame—waaaaaaay too "big picture" and divisive since we all have our own politics that likely clash), but there's an element of truth to your overarching point; the internet isn't a nice place. It never has been. Expecting to put something out there and receive nothing but encouragement and admiration from a mass of people whose pseudonyms allow them to share their thoughts without any filter simply isn't realistic.
And do you have a link to that manifesto? I'd be interested in reading it. (But please... no more long videos. There's just not enough time to watch someone slowly make their point.)

The "fat whiny" part of your post probably isn't going to help elevate the conversation (nor is the political stuff, noncompliantgame—waaaaaaay too "big picture" and divisive since we all have our own politics that likely clash), but there's an element of truth to your overarching point; the internet isn't a nice place. It never has been. Expecting to put something out there and receive nothing but encouragement and admiration from a mass of people whose pseudonyms allow them to share their thoughts without any filter simply isn't realistic.