Posted April 20, 2015

You're like a cartoon caricature facist, desperately trying to paint narratives about one of the most inclusive cultures ever, but the only thing that you've succeeded in doing, is making it LESS inclusive. I was playing Payday 2 just the other day, and a girl happened to join our team, and the two other guys respectfully asked her to leave, because they didn't feel comfortable playing with someone who could potentially slap abuse cases on them. They were polite about it, I'll give them that, but we knew nothing about that poor girl. She could have been really skilled and been a major help, but that didn't matter, because of the piss poor narrative you people have painted for normal gamers like me.
This isn't even an isolated occurence. I read that a woman gamer was asked to leave a DBZ game as well, for essentially the same reasons. So instead of making a "safe space" for women, what you're doing is making a clear division for people who never had a problem with it prior. I'm sick to death of people like you, peddling hatred in guise of progress, division in place of unity, and segregation instead of free congress with like minded people, regardless of background or ethnicity. If ANYONE is full of hate. It's not GG or normal gamers. It's you.
(not that i don't understand where they are coming from. I myself sometimes feel uncomfortable taking a seat next to a girl on the bus because these days she might see that as harassment)
Just try to be polite. I myself tend to can the thrashtalk and memeing, which isn't actually a good thing because 1) you should be allowed to be yourself and 2)many gaming girls don't want players to behave different; (they often want to join in)
This was told to me by a female admin from a TF2 group i used to frequent. They all behaved around her as they'd behave around anyone and she didn't care/mind.
remember, many/most gaming girls just want to play vidya. Play vidya and have fun.
because that's what this is all about: VIDYA
Post edited April 20, 2015 by dragonbeast