Leucius: I've seen stranger combinations. ;)
Crewdroog: we have an old depression era or 1950s era recipe (thanks grandma!) that is the grossest combination of ingredients. My dad requests this every holiday :(
Jello Salad (from hell):
Lemon-lime jello (good start, yum!)
Pineapple (I love pineapple!)
Cottage Cheese (wait, what?)
Horseradish (stop)
Condensed sweet milk (I said stop)
Miracle Whip (I SAID STOP)
It looks like green chunky vomit and tastes about the same.
if you eat all those things together, the outcome will be green chunky vomit. are you sure thats not what you've been eating all these years?! - refridgeration reached across the states between the depression and the 50s. O_____o!