Posted September 23, 2021
"Look around us, Leon! Look at the Galar region stretched out before us. And know that the energy required to keep this brilliant, glittering world alive will be exhausted a millennium from now! The people of Galar today will no longer even exist. What Galar wants today hardly matters!" "The future is more important than just one day! We must act as quickly as we possibly can! We must take action in order to avert tragedy! So that all can look forward to a better future!"
Lemme explain this a bit. This idiot double booked himself, and rather than just clear his schedule or wait a day, decides to go awaken a Bad Thing that could destroy the land today, over something bad happening in 1000 years. (All this over a crappy game mechanic.) Writing for video games is hard. You have to take the plot of something that typically can be explained in as little as, "The Heroes have been stuck in a time loop for 1000 years and need to defeat Chaos to get out while restoring light to the crystals" and stretch that across 10-30+ hours. And most video game writers couldn't even hit the levels of publishing a young adult novel.
So this is a thread to celebrate those maligned motivations, insane machinations, Machiavellian misfires, and catalogue those villains who were the worst.
(In the quantification of, "What were the writers smoking?", in terms of incompetence, inexplicabiliy, motive failure, and just general feelings of, "Wait, WHAT?"
As a reminder, clairvoyance is not a feature of these forums, so please explain your replies.