quicksilver67: When I buy a game from GOG, it's for a few reasons:
1) No DRM. No 3rd party agreements. I keep my rights.
2) No connection requirement. I can play it even if my internet is acting up.
3) It isn't Steam. I prefer not to purchase from one of the biggest inablers of corporate bad behavior in the digital world. HOWEVER,
If I am buying a digital download, I expect the company retailing the file to be able to handle the download at modern speeds. I do not like being throttled to 1/3 (or less) of the speed I would be able to achieve from Steam. On the other hand, I don't want to spend my entire life DL from a company who cannot support the bandwidth their products require for reasonable download times.
At the moment, I'm just posting up to say that the throttling is objectionable. More capacity needs to be added ASAP.
I feel your pain and totally agree.
For the full week of the Halloween sale I could not download above 204 KB/s ... yes you read that right.
GOG seem to be willing to overlook the modern notion in this digital age, of being able to download something after you purchase it. They appear to think it fair you wait a week until doing so.
And no it had nothing to do with my ISP etc, it was totally GOG's fault.
During that same time period I could download from Epic, Steam and other sites at full speed - 5 MB/s.
GOG are happy to take your money, but are reluctant to spend the money on better server delivery to some of their customers.
I wonder how many customers they would get, if they said
And the reality is, that for me in the last year or so I have had poor fluctuating download speeds from GOG. Before that, I nearly always got close to 5 MB/s.
204 KB/s for a week though, is a total disgrace, and GOG should be ashamed ... especially as there seems to be a clear BIAS going on.
Who says it is only two hours. It would depend on the size of the game files and the connection speed. It could in fact be days etc.
There is a certain fair expectancy involved, especially in this the digital age and in 2021.
And unlike Steam, a store like GOG could toss in the towel anytime, so it behooves to download your purchases as soon as possible, just in case.
And what about those wanting to play the game as soon as possible.
Just because you and some others are happy to wait, doesn't mean everyone has to follow suit. Who made you the arbiter of what is acceptable or even tolerable?
There is an acceptable low download speed in times of heavy site use, but it isn't 204 KB/s for a week.