Posted February 22, 2013

It is important to us to reward Torment’s backers for the faith and trust they will place in us. But while we believe that many backers would enjoy exclusive content, we are persuaded by the arguments that have been presented against this type of reward.
What it basically comes down to is this: altering the gameplay experience for backers feels inconsistent with the spirit of crowdfunding as we see it. Our commitment to our backers is first and foremost to create the best game possible – and not just for them, but for everyone who desires the game we are promising to deliver.
We are pleased to announce that we are thus discarding the rewards that would influence gameplay through exclusive content. Thank you all very much for your feedback and perspectives. Long live the Tormented!
What it basically comes down to is this: altering the gameplay experience for backers feels inconsistent with the spirit of crowdfunding as we see it. Our commitment to our backers is first and foremost to create the best game possible – and not just for them, but for everyone who desires the game we are promising to deliver.
We are pleased to announce that we are thus discarding the rewards that would influence gameplay through exclusive content. Thank you all very much for your feedback and perspectives. Long live the Tormented!