Posted December 12, 2013

I'm inclined to suspect ambition (or, more negatively, hubris): a desire to make an RPG that's thoroughly deep and thoughtful in its every aspect. They're part of a tradition of CRPG-making that sees tabletop gaming as the ideal of reactivity which computers can only approach: you can tell because another reason they want TB is that it's 'truer to tabletop RPGs'. (Contrast the dismissal of realism in the latest update.) From that point of view, it makes sense to aim at ToEE-without-the-half-hearted-dialogue-and-storyline. If you don't have a tabletopper's heritage, of course, it's a point of view you may not share...

Of course, it might be that TB is the best option for papering over those cracks. But if there are numerous cracks to paper over, that might mean the Numenera system isn't actually a good choice for a computer RPG in the first place. We can't really tell at this point.