Posted March 05, 2017

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted March 05, 2017
I don't think they *promised* to deliver them. They're working on a way to hopefully get them to GOG. However, given the quote below, it looks like they want a way that ties the DLC to the backers, ie DRM, which GOG doesn't do.
So yeah, I'm sure they're trying to find a good solution but it's going to depend on more than just them willing it into being, they'll need Techland to be fine with a drm-free solution and GOG to be fine with adding yet another entry into their database for a DLC that's only going to have a use for backers of Torment.
The Backer Outfit Set DLC is only available on Steam right now. As GOG is a DRM-free platform, it does not have the same system to check for and authenticate DLC that Steam does. However, we're working on an alternate method that will let GOG backers get the outfits separately. We hope to have that available soon. Thanks for your patience!
On top of that they have this statement which quite likely applies to GOG: Part of the issue is that we can't necessarily have the stores create DLCs and packages for all our backers - they don't always want to host items and SKUS they can't sell, such as specific rewards that are exclusive to backers. Again, we'll look into it and see what's possible to offer this way. So yeah, I'm sure they're trying to find a good solution but it's going to depend on more than just them willing it into being, they'll need Techland to be fine with a drm-free solution and GOG to be fine with adding yet another entry into their database for a DLC that's only going to have a use for backers of Torment.

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted March 05, 2017

The Backer Outfit Set DLC is only available on Steam right now. As GOG is a DRM-free platform, it does not have the same system to check for and authenticate DLC that Steam does. However, we're working on an alternate method that will let GOG backers get the outfits separately. We hope to have that available soon. Thanks for your patience!

Part of the issue is that we can't necessarily have the stores create DLCs and packages for all our backers - they don't always want to host items and SKUS they can't sell, such as specific rewards that are exclusive to backers. Again, we'll look into it and see what's possible to offer this way.

So yeah, I'm sure they're trying to find a good solution but it's going to depend on more than just them willing it into being, they'll need Techland to be fine with a drm-free solution and GOG to be fine with adding yet another entry into their database for a DLC that's only going to have a use for backers of Torment.
EDIT: I read again , those messages seems posted before release . So it's too late for backer specific tiers . They must provide them as DLC for their backers .
Post edited March 05, 2017 by Skysect

Registered: Sep 2008
From Christmas Island
Posted March 05, 2017
I don't care about that outfit, so I'd happily give you my code for it if you want it, but so far it seems to be Steam exclusive. .

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted March 05, 2017

Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted March 06, 2017
I don't get why they don't simply add them to the downloads of the extra section on their website - as they do for all the other extras at the moment - while they work out something with GOG.

Bastard Jester
Registered: Oct 2008
From France
Posted March 06, 2017

i'm a bit fed up with such excuses like that from devs, it gives me back a strong bad vibe of "Armello"

Red Cyclone
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted March 06, 2017
How about to stop talking about thrash? I don't want to see those bunch of useless posts here. If you are a backer, you will get your DLC and if not you will get nothing embrace that fact. And move on. I am really having fun with my game. Luckily I backed it while on KS campaign.

New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From Other
Posted March 06, 2017

"...The reason there is no GOG key to activate the Backer Outfit Set DLC is because, as GOG is a DRM-free platform, it does not have the same system to check for and authenticate DLC that Steam does. On Steam, the game will check for the DLC on your account and activate it; obviously, this solution doesn't work on GOG, hence why there's no GOG key for it available.
That said, we certainly have not forgotten GOG users on this, and we're working on an alternate method that will let GOG backers get the outfits separately....

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted March 06, 2017

"...The reason there is no GOG key to activate the Backer Outfit Set DLC is because, as GOG is a DRM-free platform, it does not have the same system to check for and authenticate DLC that Steam does. On Steam, the game will check for the DLC on your account and activate it; obviously, this solution doesn't work on GOG, hence why there's no GOG key for it available.
That said, we certainly have not forgotten GOG users on this, and we're working on an alternate method that will let GOG backers get the outfits separately....

Just because we disagree doesnt mean I hate you.
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted March 07, 2017
I wouldn't take it personally. Brian Fargo is one of the best in the business, and he's relatively neutral to DRM as far as devs who have been around since almost the beginning. I think it's more along the lines of, they're overthinking the GOG release, that's all.
Torment is Fargo's baby almost as much as Wasteland 2 was, so it makes sense he's protective of it.
Torment is Fargo's baby almost as much as Wasteland 2 was, so it makes sense he's protective of it.

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted March 08, 2017
Still those excuses :/ Really ?
Also sent same message to all developers as PM and even no response at all .
Still those excuses :/ Really ?
Also sent same message to all developers as PM and even no response at all .
Post edited March 08, 2017 by Skysect

Red Cyclone
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted March 14, 2017
Everyone could enjoy. Outfits are finally released for us! Only for special backers not for bloody pirates ;)
Post edited March 14, 2017 by Enburi

Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted March 14, 2017

Registered: Jun 2013
From Turkey
Posted March 14, 2017
is it something like drm? or drm-free?