BrTEK: Hey guys, me and my team are working on a game called Traverse.
can you give me your suggestions?
I'm reading nothing but puffery and typos. I keep seeing buzzwords, but buzzwords have no meaning. Looking at it right now, I'm predicted it to turn out like No Man's Sky (failed to meet expectations), except worse (even lower quality).
These celebrities, I don't know who they are. I looked up this "Smthnghappens," and it's some random instagram chick. Maybe she's a good actress, I don't know. I don't know her work, and all I have are pictures, of someone i've never heard of, who appears to like Elder Scrolls and have some sort of Russian language background (just by going from the google search summaries). Even if she's good, it's not an advertising point unless she's famous for the work she'll be doing for the game.
You have your points of what you want to accomplish, but it's all entirely fluff. Is it an RPG? A first person shooter? A turn-based tactical game? Is it a real-time strategy? What kind of unique game mechanics? It's cool to do this kind of stuff when you're famous as a developer, as the vagueness will get people hyped, but you can't generate hype unless you have something behind you.
On the plus side, you say multiplayer isn't pay-to-win, which means you might actually not have lootboxes, but that doesn't mean you won't, either.
You say that moving around the map will be easier thanks to vehicles, which tells me that your maps are otherwise a pain in the rear to navigate. Given that i haven't seen how bad they are in the first place, this gives me the impression that your maps are bad. Also, "automation" doesn't mean "cars." Cars are automobiles, not automatons. Automation means things are being done by automatons (robots, computers, etc).
And this might just be picky, but the only link on the site actually points back to the site, so the link is worthless.
But, really, we have no evidence of any of your claims other than your attention to detail: it's the only statement on the site that has actually been qualified.
The short review is: you may have something awesome, but you might not, either, and we have nothing other than your word to assume so (which isn't work, because even if you're honest, your idea of what is awesome is likely to be different from what I think is awesome). You're way, way too vague about your product for anyone to get excited for it.