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Hey guys, me and my team are working on a game called Traverse.

can you give me your suggestions?
BrTEK: can you give me your suggestions?

If you;re trying to get your game listed here, best bet would be to contact GoG directly. That would be over here:

Good luck
BrTEK: can you give me your suggestions?
drmike: Concerning?

If you;re trying to get your game listed here, best bet would be to contact GoG directly. That would be over here:

Good luck
Wanted just to get people's opinions. My game is far from being finished
BrTEK: can you give me your suggestions?
Get actual voice actors instead of celebrities. Celebrities are fine for cameos, not for your main character.
I looked at the website... and i have absolutely no idea what it is about or what kind of game it is... my suggestions? make it much clearer what kind of game this is
BrTEK: Hey guys, me and my team are working on a game called Traverse.

can you give me your suggestions?
1. what type of game is this? I cant tell at all what you are you trying to hype me up for.

2. "real life celebrities" I am sorry, but WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I DONT KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
also celebrities are bad choices for voice actors, while some may be good actors irl or in movies or youtube videos, they may not be a good voice actor, see Destiny and Peter Dinklage, great actor, bad voice actor.

3. under your "perks" section you say "sorely", it might be better to put solely, as it sounds like you are begrudgingly providing a single player experience.

4. MODELS AND RENDERS TELL NOTHING, no gameplay footage = no interest.
Hi, suggest you post your developing game at reddit gaming forums (google to see where devs tend to announce new stuff), and also you could join the Game Dev Network for dev and art talk, which also has a discord server & is a good community. This is not the best place to announce; but I am just a GOG customer so thats a guess. GOG is very good at promoting new additions to their stable. Look into how other game devs solicit gaming community feedback while they are still in development. Like, for example, is a small indie that did a great job on a shoestring. They have built a good gamer community. They have very interesting podcasts on their whole process, and are more communicative with customers than most devs.

It's nice you lined up voice actors. If game is not past alpha, it may be premature to advertise this. This is not like movie development in terms of market perception during early promos. You may get a lukewarm reception from gamers, until people get a solid beta to try, and like it. Then, having pro voice actors would be a benefit, and you should include them in your credits at the end... But early on, is not as big a deal as good solid game design and bug free and satisfying. Put lots of time into QA of unit and system integration testing, coherence of story details, GUI simplicity and friendliness, and good level design. And then once the game is a solid product, or before, work on the website and getting the word out - many good games languish because no systematic ongoing marketing/networking. Doesn't have to be expensive, you and your team can do it yourselves. Look at how The Room game got started. Email everyone known and nicely ask for leads on who else might be interested in looking at or featuring your game or a interview. But the game has to be pretty finished by that point in order to take off. Also, on mobile browser I can't see an email or way to contact you. And the artworks are cut off... Strongly suggest using a free emulation site to proof out your website to look equally good on both pc and mobiles... do not skip that!... Your artwork looks great, really!, and the story concept is interesting. I agree that you should plan on making a trailer video, when your game is nearly done. ...You may wish to google your game name for trademark rights, as there are already an old board game and a mmo by that name, possibly others. Avoid any legal hassles. Copyright your concept if folks on the GDN advise - I am just guessing on that since I am a customer, not a dev.

Well, that's my 2 cents. Go for it.
Post edited February 14, 2018 by hanshan
BrTEK: can you give me your suggestions?
Breja: Get actual voice actors instead of celebrities. Celebrities are fine for cameos, not for your main character.
I looked at the website and looks like they've already implemented your suggestion. Neat!
Post edited February 14, 2018 by ZFR
BrTEK: Hey guys, me and my team are working on a game called Traverse.

can you give me your suggestions?
I'm reading nothing but puffery and typos. I keep seeing buzzwords, but buzzwords have no meaning. Looking at it right now, I'm predicted it to turn out like No Man's Sky (failed to meet expectations), except worse (even lower quality).

These celebrities, I don't know who they are. I looked up this "Smthnghappens," and it's some random instagram chick. Maybe she's a good actress, I don't know. I don't know her work, and all I have are pictures, of someone i've never heard of, who appears to like Elder Scrolls and have some sort of Russian language background (just by going from the google search summaries). Even if she's good, it's not an advertising point unless she's famous for the work she'll be doing for the game.

You have your points of what you want to accomplish, but it's all entirely fluff. Is it an RPG? A first person shooter? A turn-based tactical game? Is it a real-time strategy? What kind of unique game mechanics? It's cool to do this kind of stuff when you're famous as a developer, as the vagueness will get people hyped, but you can't generate hype unless you have something behind you.

On the plus side, you say multiplayer isn't pay-to-win, which means you might actually not have lootboxes, but that doesn't mean you won't, either.

You say that moving around the map will be easier thanks to vehicles, which tells me that your maps are otherwise a pain in the rear to navigate. Given that i haven't seen how bad they are in the first place, this gives me the impression that your maps are bad. Also, "automation" doesn't mean "cars." Cars are automobiles, not automatons. Automation means things are being done by automatons (robots, computers, etc).

And this might just be picky, but the only link on the site actually points back to the site, so the link is worthless.

But, really, we have no evidence of any of your claims other than your attention to detail: it's the only statement on the site that has actually been qualified.


The short review is: you may have something awesome, but you might not, either, and we have nothing other than your word to assume so (which isn't work, because even if you're honest, your idea of what is awesome is likely to be different from what I think is awesome). You're way, way too vague about your product for anyone to get excited for it.
Post edited February 14, 2018 by kohlrak

OK, I've gone through the website and here are a couple of things. I'm really, not being a smartass here, but here is something you should consider.

a) Have someone, who is proficient in English, proofread your text. At the moment you have grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, typos and logical mistakes. Like so:
"In traverse you will notice game mechanics that doesnt exist in any other game"?
"There is a variety of enemies. From different alien races to mutated animals. Some of them might be your friend and some just want to kill you." (enemies who are your friends?)
"Enemies you will face will be of different. And ways that you have to kill them will also change"
"Each mission will be different and every mission of them will have an unique but beautiful landscape. with a rich flora and fauna".
"Pics bellow..."
"...first couple of monthsWithin the first..."
"...the atmosphere. you hear stories every now..."
These kind of mistakes really will make people not take you seriously.

b) Add specifics. Seriously. At the moment all you have is
"Moving around the maps will be a lot easier with a variety of vehicles"
"There is a variety of enemies."
"mechanics that doesnt exist in any other game "
"Enemies you will face will be of different. "
"Each mission will be different"
I mean, I'm not sure what suggestions you expect. Without specifics, what do you want us to comment on? Make vomement around maps harder with vehicles, decrease the variety of enemies and ensure all missions are same?

c) Maybe add some contact details. If they are on the page, I missed them.

d) I love the art. Really nice.
Firstly, sorry for all for not replying to all. Your critics are highly appreciated and changes are being made to the entire website since there are some typos, bad spelling and similar.
Breja: Get actual voice actors instead of celebrities. Celebrities are fine for cameos, not for your main character.
ZFR: I looked at the website and looks like they've already implemented your suggestion. Neat!
I had no idea "Smthnghappens" is a professional voice actress. I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
ZFR: I looked at the website and looks like they've already implemented your suggestion. Neat!
Breja: I had no idea "Smthnghappens" is a professional voice actress. I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
she's not the voice actor, she's the model we're basing the 3D model. her voice actor is a different person.
Post edited February 14, 2018 by BrTEK
Breja: I had no idea "Smthnghappens" is a professional voice actress. I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
BrTEK: she's not the voice actor, she's the model we're basing the model. her voice actor is a different person.
Oh. Ok, that makes sense.
Breja: I had no idea "Smthnghappens" is a professional voice actress. I guess I'll have to take your word for it.
BrTEK: she's not the voice actor, she's the model we're basing the 3D model. her voice actor is a different person.
Well, in that case not bad, but you still need to clarify that. But, then again, you have alot you need to clarify. At this point, i'm not excited to see the game, but more excited to see how this falls apart. You my as well be advertising a movie, instead of a game, because you show nothing worth being excited over.

I don't mean to be too harsh, but I can't help you if i'm not honest with you.
Post edited February 15, 2018 by kohlrak