AB2012: Edit: The fact it's downloading from "cdn.gog.com" (Content Delivery Network?) makes me wonder if some servers around the world are affected but not others.
Edit 2 : So far myself and groundhog42 (both
UK), Mori_Yuki (
Austria), Cadaver747 (
Russia), randomuser.833 (
Germany) and Lhun Duum & BloodScourge (both
France) are all seeing the problem, whilst Ketobak (
Argentina) and wolfsite (
Canada) seem to not be. Maybe the fault lies with GOG's European regional "CDN / cache" server? It would be useful if more people from other countries tested to get a clearer picture.
Edit 3: With people reporting the same issue from USA, Australia and Taiwan, it's clearly a global problem.
Romania here, and Fallout 3, No Man's Sky and SOMA work fine for me. Those are the only ones I own out of the stuff I've read is problematic.
Sounds like a problem with the CDN, perhaps replication, but I don't think the "master" installers are actually corrupted.