Posted October 04, 2021
high rated
v 1.0.3
- Today's patch notes have spoiler tags
- Reduced difficulty spikes in medium difficulty (Details below)
- Reduced difficulty spikes in easy difficulty significantly (Details below)
- Those who seek secrets will secretly hear a secret song in their head
- Jesse no longer is bothered by optional missions that he did not commi-... um, complete.
- Reviewed German Scripts
- Reviewed Russian Scripts
- Credits fixed in the German, Italian, French, Korean, and Russian languages
- EMP grenades duration on medium difficulty increased from 3 to 5 seconds on robotic spiders specifically
- EMP grenades duration on easy difficulty increased from 3 to 5 seconds
- Fixed a bug where chloroform could teleport you back in time.
Chapter 3
- Heat sensors now have a way to observe them on all difficulties
- Anti-thermal suit is cooler on EASY difficulty. Other difficulties are jealous.
- On EASY difficulty, 3rd floor guards assigned to blockade duty are allergic to 3rd floor and have been moved to the medbay.
- On non-EASY difficulties, 3rd floor guards assigned to blockade are no longer sometimes allergic to medical attention.
Chapter 4
- Birds no longer dismantle the universe when fed a molotov cocktail
Chapter 9
- A new flaw in the programming of exterminator guards now allows them to be affected by EMP grenades
- Japanese Mercenaries lost the ability to create alerts in mere nanoseconds
- In easy difficulty, Japanese Mercs now need a full second to raise an alarm
- In medium difficulty, Japanese Mercs now need half a second to raise an alarm
- Just left of the elevator, a Japanese Merc is no longer in the room on EASY difficulty.
- Just left of the elevator, the other Japanese Merc has new orders to patrol in less frustrating patterns on all difficulties.
Chapter 10
- Colonel Harris is no longer able to be dropped in the black void of open doorways. He'll get over it though.
Grenade Guy
- Grenade guy has decided to add a little RNG to his diet and eat a randomly generated lunch.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
v 1.0.2
- You can now cancel reloading the gun by rolling.
- You can now cancel holding a slingshot by rolling
- Entering a code now clears the entry dialog in the options every time
- Mission descriptions in English have been reviewed and raise less eyebrows when read.
- Some achievements had misbehaiving descriptions, we hope they have learned their lesson
Chapter 2
- Fixed an issue where a second radio could be obtained after a doggo.
Chapter 3
- Added a hankerchief on one of the guards that wake you up from an dream.
Chapter 4
- The forest is now a portion smaller and takes less time to navigate
- Mike has learned how to swear properly, and isn't confused about his final line.
Chapter 6
- You can now pick up torpedos from the top crate from above
Chapter 9
- A tip has been added about the many uses of string
- Clips that would normally hide behind a water tower now bounce freely in the open to the side
- When using the Mine Detector, you can rotate without moving until you release the button
- Jesse is now less greedy and can apply Med Kits intended for others more easily as long as he's not bleeding
Grenade Guy
- No changes, but he was last seen fishing with grenades.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
v 1.0.1
- If you are a founder, own UnEpic, or Ghost 1.0, an title for each will appear in main menu
- The game over screen now takes 1/3rd of your time, so you can get back to escaping faster
- Fixed a bug where sometimes guards would see you coming from behind, preventing sleep
- Fixed a bug where bullets could warp time and space, teleporting inside you unfairly
- Fixed an issue when the game was paused and controller inputs could still be detected.
Chapter 2
- Fixed a bug where "COLD AS ICE" could not be achieved on Normal or Hard difficulties.
- Fixed a rare soft lock that involved a radio despawning
- Shredders speed reduced by 20% in Easy difficulty
Chapter 4
- Added a coin to a guard
Chapter 5
- Added a reminder in a barrack that a player can use a potty when far from a WC
- Founder Artifact implemented (For early purchasers)
- Ghost's drone duration reduced from 15 to 10 in hard difficulty
- The founder's GOD MODE ARTIFACT now is less limited in it's invulnerability
- Increased Mine Detector range in Normal difficulty
- Significantly increased Mine Detector range in Easy difficulty
Grenade Guy
- No changes, but he smiles at you
- Today's patch notes have spoiler tags
- Reduced difficulty spikes in medium difficulty (Details below)
- Reduced difficulty spikes in easy difficulty significantly (Details below)
- Those who seek secrets will secretly hear a secret song in their head
- Jesse no longer is bothered by optional missions that he did not commi-... um, complete.
- Reviewed German Scripts
- Reviewed Russian Scripts
- Credits fixed in the German, Italian, French, Korean, and Russian languages
- EMP grenades duration on medium difficulty increased from 3 to 5 seconds on robotic spiders specifically
- EMP grenades duration on easy difficulty increased from 3 to 5 seconds
- Fixed a bug where chloroform could teleport you back in time.
Chapter 3
- Heat sensors now have a way to observe them on all difficulties
- Anti-thermal suit is cooler on EASY difficulty. Other difficulties are jealous.
- On EASY difficulty, 3rd floor guards assigned to blockade duty are allergic to 3rd floor and have been moved to the medbay.
- On non-EASY difficulties, 3rd floor guards assigned to blockade are no longer sometimes allergic to medical attention.
Chapter 4
- Birds no longer dismantle the universe when fed a molotov cocktail
Chapter 9
- A new flaw in the programming of exterminator guards now allows them to be affected by EMP grenades
- Japanese Mercenaries lost the ability to create alerts in mere nanoseconds
- In easy difficulty, Japanese Mercs now need a full second to raise an alarm
- In medium difficulty, Japanese Mercs now need half a second to raise an alarm
- Just left of the elevator, a Japanese Merc is no longer in the room on EASY difficulty.
- Just left of the elevator, the other Japanese Merc has new orders to patrol in less frustrating patterns on all difficulties.
Chapter 10
- Colonel Harris is no longer able to be dropped in the black void of open doorways. He'll get over it though.
Grenade Guy
- Grenade guy has decided to add a little RNG to his diet and eat a randomly generated lunch.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
v 1.0.2
- You can now cancel reloading the gun by rolling.
- You can now cancel holding a slingshot by rolling
- Entering a code now clears the entry dialog in the options every time
- Mission descriptions in English have been reviewed and raise less eyebrows when read.
- Some achievements had misbehaiving descriptions, we hope they have learned their lesson
Chapter 2
- Fixed an issue where a second radio could be obtained after a doggo.
Chapter 3
- Added a hankerchief on one of the guards that wake you up from an dream.
Chapter 4
- The forest is now a portion smaller and takes less time to navigate
- Mike has learned how to swear properly, and isn't confused about his final line.
Chapter 6
- You can now pick up torpedos from the top crate from above
Chapter 9
- A tip has been added about the many uses of string
- Clips that would normally hide behind a water tower now bounce freely in the open to the side
- When using the Mine Detector, you can rotate without moving until you release the button
- Jesse is now less greedy and can apply Med Kits intended for others more easily as long as he's not bleeding
Grenade Guy
- No changes, but he was last seen fishing with grenades.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
v 1.0.1
- If you are a founder, own UnEpic, or Ghost 1.0, an title for each will appear in main menu
- The game over screen now takes 1/3rd of your time, so you can get back to escaping faster
- Fixed a bug where sometimes guards would see you coming from behind, preventing sleep
- Fixed a bug where bullets could warp time and space, teleporting inside you unfairly
- Fixed an issue when the game was paused and controller inputs could still be detected.
Chapter 2
- Fixed a bug where "COLD AS ICE" could not be achieved on Normal or Hard difficulties.
- Fixed a rare soft lock that involved a radio despawning
- Shredders speed reduced by 20% in Easy difficulty
Chapter 4
- Added a coin to a guard
Chapter 5
- Added a reminder in a barrack that a player can use a potty when far from a WC
- Founder Artifact implemented (For early purchasers)
- Ghost's drone duration reduced from 15 to 10 in hard difficulty
- The founder's GOD MODE ARTIFACT now is less limited in it's invulnerability
- Increased Mine Detector range in Normal difficulty
- Significantly increased Mine Detector range in Easy difficulty
Grenade Guy
- No changes, but he smiles at you
Post edited October 04, 2021 by franfistro