Fonzer: I don't see anyone mentioning
earth 2140 which i am currently playing much.
The earth 2140 dos version which is found in the goodies on gog has enhanced a.i. while the windows version a.i. is crippled since they don't build units or buildings when destroyed or even attack you. Only when you find them they only defend themselfs they won't search for your base or the general options also don't work in the windows version where you can set your marked units to attack so they keep serching and attacking, or defend.
Though i heard that the dos version isn't running as clean as supposed to and there is no way to set resolution.
Really have no info about when the dos version and windows version came out.
Oh yeah one annoying part of running the game in dosbox is that it needs to be run several times until a succesfull run and then you can play it..
This reminds me of Wizardry 7, where the DOS version found in the goodies is generally preferred over the Windows version, because the Windows version has some annoying bugs, like one that makes the Diplomacy skill non-functional.
(By the way, the goodies for Wizardry 6 + 7 also include an arranged soundtrack that's actually based on the Japan-only Super Famicom version of Wizardry 6.)