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ShadowWulfe: Always online I'm sure.
Buy your units with real money?
Of course blizzard launcher has to be used to play the remaster, dude, it's 2018, otherwise the gaming experience wouldn't be right.
Lucumo: Don't care, I own Warcraft III already. Additionally, Blizzard has been incompetent for a long time by this point, so they are gonna botch it like they did with Starcraft II and SC:R anyway.
jsidhu762: How did they botch Starcraft Remastered? I thought it was fantastic.
The problem with SC Remastered is more what they didn't change than what they changed. Basically, the Korean fanbase wanted nothing (except graphics) changed, so that's what they did. So the game still has the awful unit pathfinding and you can only select 12 units at a time. In addition, the animated unit portraits were somewhat SC2-ized in artstyle, so for example Zerrigan (both human and infested) looks like she did in SC2 rather than SC1.
Warcraft III already got an HD upgrade (res) patch not long ago.

Diablo fans shat on with Diablo Mobile - Actiblizz went full EA... with the same result...
The cartoony art style of Warcraft worked for that universe, but it really turned me off when they made the Starcraft style into Saturday Morning Biker Mice from Mars.
30 euro?i dont think so.i bought starcraft remastered and it was 15euro but this is just silly you silly silly wabbit you
Post edited November 03, 2018 by RottenRotz
Grargar: Did Warcraft 3 really need a remaster?

Put me in the camp of "I'd rather Blizzard remaster/rerelease/rewhatever Diablo 1 and/or Warcraft 1+2".
Pretty much. I'd settle for a rerelease of those previous games with updated graphics. By which I mean, graphics that are larger and more appropriate for a modern monitor.

The games are what they are and I see no reason to do anything other than scale the graphics. If they want to do more, then they might as well just make WC 4.
jsidhu762: How did they botch Starcraft Remastered? I thought it was fantastic.
Crosmando: The problem with SC Remastered is more what they didn't change than what they changed. Basically, the Korean fanbase wanted nothing (except graphics) changed, so that's what they did. So the game still has the awful unit pathfinding and you can only select 12 units at a time. In addition, the animated unit portraits were somewhat SC2-ized in artstyle, so for example Zerrigan (both human and infested) looks like she did in SC2 rather than SC1.
That sounds great. Why should they mess around with other things? If you change the number of units you can select at a time, there's a ton of work that has to be done in order to make that work. You literally have to rebalance the entire game when it was designed to handle a limited number of units being grouped together.

If they want to remove the limit, the right thing to do is to just make a new game where that's taken into account. I hate coming back to a game like Diablo II and finding out that they've nerfed all the fun bits out of it. A large part of the fun is getting so ridiculously powerful that you can take down entire armies single handed.
ShadowWulfe: Always online I'm sure.
Obviously. Players aren't smart enough to know if they want to play singleplayer or multiplayer, so you better force them to play multiplayer and be online whenever playing.
Post edited November 03, 2018 by hedwards
Consider me hyped! A WC4 announcement that retcons WoW's lore would have been the best possible announcement, but I suppose this is the next best thing.

Hopefully we'll see a WC2 remaster somewhere down the line too.
Crosmando: If they replace the original voice acting they'll be hell to pay.
Zug zug
jsidhu762: What do you folks think? I'm pretty hyped. I hope Blizz does this with their other games.
If it means they slap DRM on top of the game requiring online activation for playing the game, then no I am not interested. I'll play my existing retail version instead.

Besides, I didn't like Warcraft 3 as much as I liked e.g. Starcraft.
I would prefer a proper Warcraft 4 but oh well... I doubt I will apay 30EUR for a hd remaster but I will keep my eye on it
Maybe they will give away the original for free like they did with Starcraft. I'd be content with that.
Everyone's talking about wanting D1,D2,W2 remastered instead. But how about remastering the Lost Vikings 1 & 2? That would be sweet!
Then again, those games are close to perfect as is.
I guess this makes it even more unlikely that Blizzards old classics will come to
Ghorpm: I would prefer a proper Warcraft 4 but oh well... I doubt I will apay 30EUR for a hd remaster but I will keep my eye on it
Seeing how Starcraft 2 turned out (more geared for competitive online players IMHO, and some very questionable game design choices like locking the gamespeed on single-player for higher difficulties), I have to say I am not looking forward to anything from Blizzard anymore.

Yeah, and how Diablo 3 turned out to be too... I guess I simply am not Blizzard's target audience anymore, I am seeking a different kind of experience with my games that they'd like to offer. They are more interested into Korean and Chinese competitive online players at this point.
Post edited November 03, 2018 by timppu