Hunter65536: Found this
article online and felt like it would be relevant to state of affairs here. Normally I hate moderation as it often becomes a way for people to push narratives, opinions, etc. of one side while limiting what the other side has to say. However I think this article did change my mind about that. I hope we can have a civil discussion about this and I am open to getting this thread locked down if that isn't the case.
They tried not doing any moderation for years and it pretty much destroyed the forum. I no longer bother logging in most days to see what's going on as all the interesting stuff pretty much got pushed out by the trolls.
Realistically, you kind of have to have moderation on most fora due to GIFT. Sometimes if you've got a niche topic, you might be able to get away without it, but once a forum goes bad, it can be very hard to rehabilitate it.
KasperHviid: Having a moderator is sensible. Having a downvote button is a sure way to build a lynch mob mentality. I don't get how the author can directly compare these two.
Pretty much. I've never seen a site that had that where it didn't get abused.
The worst implementation I've ever seen was over on a fitness site where they allowed users to attach explanatory notes about the modding. I was on there for a few days and I've never seen a site with so much rampant trolling. You'd get uninformed jack-a-ninnies modding other people down for being uninformed and then modding people down that they'd modded down for modding down their nonsense as retaliation.