Anothername: None. But I'm somewhat curios what the feature list of Skulls & Bones will be. Not that it matters much; with all the DRM + mandatory online connection it will be infected its a no go.
Oh well, maybe Gog is allowed to sell Skyrim this year.
kai2: Skull & Bones is possibly one of the few MP games I'll purchase.
Now, as for the game...
... seems after coming very close to release it's gone back to heavy development. Some at this point are claiming the game won't ever release. My gut reaction is Sea of Thieves shone a light on some of Skull & Bones deficiencies... the greatest IMHO being the inability to explore islands outside of dock upgrade locations. My guess is they're adding a small amount of land exploration.
If its good; if its really, really good. With deep character customization and varied gameplay and (I think that will be the most impossible part) restrained "
optional" macrotransaction madness paired with optional MP I give it a closer consideration. But its UBI soft. They fully embraced lootbox BS and IIRC got even called out for selling a single red aiming dot for one of their shooters. So I expect it fancy looking first but ultimately turned into a bad experience because greed.
I want it to be good but as usual with AAA these days I expect nothing but a soulless moneygrubbing greedy mess designed for maximum profit first and not to be a entertaining game first. And games these days show; thankfully more and more appear to fail because of it which shows me people do learn to not eat every shitsandwich the big company names try to fed them.
...its morning; I did not had my coffee yet. Tend to be more blunt then.