Leroux: Hm. And there's me who's never managed to finish it despite trying several times. Not quite sure why. I guess you also have to factor in how difficult or engaging a game is. A game can be short and still feel too long, frustrating or boring to finish it within a short time. Although that's pretty subjective, of course.
I guess some parts could have been challenging requiring several retries, but I don't recall it being even near impossible or anything. And it certainly took me a full day to finish it, not just a couple of hours. A better game might be able to finish it in a few hours, maybe.
Overall I thought it was an ok platform jumping game with a dark atmosphere.
Portal is another game for me which I finished "in a day", as far as i recall, but it is not on GOG of course. Never got bored during that time, just kept playing and playing until I finished it. i really liked the last boss fight, one of the funniest and most humorous gaming experiences in my life.