Random_Coffee: That is genuinely impressive. I played the GTAs a lot, but I never had any illusions about being able to find all the stunt jumps and hidden packages, much less without using a guide. In a similar sort of game, I believe I was at 99% completion in Saints Row 3 or 4. There was maybe one lone collectible somewhere out there that I just couldn't find..
And my backlog isn't going anywhere fast. January
last year was productive, with a few short (and excellent games) finished, then I went on to mostly play 100 hour RPGs for the rest of the year. A lot of gaming, but few completions.
Of the three GTA3 games, I'd reckon Vice City is probably the easiest one to 100%, although I'm not gonna lie, I was having heart palpitations during the last couple of levels of the paramedic mission. The smaller map size and much easier timed checkpoint side-missions compared to GTA III and San Andreas also helped. I never came close to beating them in GTA III and I also used a cheat to beat GTA III's paramedic mission. GTA III also taught me the important lesson of using a guide as I was a fair way into the main missions before I discovered that there were perks such as infinite running if one completed the paramedic side-mission, and that mission was easiest to complete before getting too far with the story missions, so I had to restart the game from scratch.
However, in the case of GTA Vice City, where I was aware there were some game-breaking bugs at least as far as preventing 100% completion, I followed the guide to the letter but I can't help feeling that this spoilt the game by turning it from a free roaming open world experience into effectively a linear game for me.
In the case of San Andreas, which I'm busy playing now and have just unlocked the third and final city, I decided to focus less on 100%'ing it and more on playing it in the spirit of an open world and then just using the guide to see I'm on the right track every now and then. I've still tried to complete most missions though, especially one's which give one additional perks rather than just being an achievement. Similar to when you were on 99% completion in SR, I had collected 49 of 50 snapshots and must have used a guide 3 times to try to figure out which one I'd missed but to no avail. I eventually found a website where you could upload your save file and it would then be able to tell you exactly which collectible you'd missed... and the one I was missing was one I'd would have sworn I couldn't have missed... and yet I had.
Of the three, San Andreas is hands-down the best... so far. Hope it ends well.
...and I'm too scared to start a 100 hour RPG right now. That takes dedication & time! I still need to complete Icewind Dale which isn't exactly a long RPG, but I got side-tracked a couple of years ago and I'm not sure I'll even remember how to play it when I eventually get back to it :(