Posted December 31, 2015

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Land Shark
Registered: May 2014
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2015
From Hungary
Posted December 31, 2015
Web: giveaway .thehardwar .com
Pwd by Indie Kings
Advice: use more steam acc for more keys
Pwd by Indie Kings
Advice: use more steam acc for more keys

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Land Shark
Registered: May 2014
From United States

Feel the beat!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Canada
Posted December 31, 2015

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted December 31, 2015
I saw TinyE in my dream, but naked. Wow, how can i get that in real life?? <3

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted December 31, 2015
Due to Youtube video suggestions, I unexpectedly ended up catching a lengthy (segmented) video of the Thunderdome festval in Belgium in 1997. Music aside, the fashion style and general mood reminds me dearly of my youth....
Best era ever.... Come on H&M, bring back the bomber jackets now!
Best era ever.... Come on H&M, bring back the bomber jackets now!

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted January 09, 2016
Drive home today was 900+ miles, but it went as well as could be expected. Somehow missed the rush hour around St Louis even though I hit it at 4:30pm. Was raining a good bit of the way but not heavily. Traffic was light the whole way and even the construction zones didn't cause any problems. I must have unknowingly cashed in some driving karma.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted January 11, 2016
Got a gift card for GameMania for my birthday from a colleague/friend and used it to buy Dragon Age Inquisition on the PS3 - it's very low-res compared to the other platforms it can run, but my PC can't handle the PC version so I bought it for my PS3 (will only buy a PS4 once second-hand prices drop to €150,- in four years time or so and I'm not buying a new PC for the first few years to help save the environment and the climate).

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted January 11, 2016
Today was really a shitty day (for various reasons) and naturally the cherry on the cake is that I couldn't find back my PIN code for my ID card in order to fill my quartely VAT declaration (business stuff...). I searched for this small sheet of paper everywhere in my house and got so angry I nearly punched the electricity company representative when he came knocking at my door :o)
Anyway, in some desperate move, after sobbing on my computer while responding to some business e-mail, I checked my VAT folder just next to my work computer and boom, the paper with my PIN code was just below the first sheet.... Aaahhh, fuck me and my distracted mind :o)
Anyway, in some desperate move, after sobbing on my computer while responding to some business e-mail, I checked my VAT folder just next to my work computer and boom, the paper with my PIN code was just below the first sheet.... Aaahhh, fuck me and my distracted mind :o)

Zion Love
Registered: Feb 2015
From Canada
Posted January 11, 2016
Not having to go to work.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted January 11, 2016
Don't know if I should post this in the happy or bitch thread. Had a lively meeting, meeting some nice people here in my city. Both people with mental illnesses, one very active with the local paper, one autistic like me and I had very interesting talks and got excited about meeting them. But starting of the day very difficult, with showering and getting ready for the day exhausting me and an attack of anxiety for the week starting, then this nice meeting. My autistic mind is spinning from all impressions of the day and I find it hard to come to rest and use commas and full stops in any sentence :-).
Anyway, getting this off my chest now and listening to Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by Genesis, a birthday gift I got this weekend on CD. And for participating in the meeting (organised by a university worker who was collecting input for writing on a promotion paper) I got rewarded with a gift card and I will spend it on a discounted Call of Duty Modern Warfare trilogy for the PS3 (2nd hand, 3 for the price of 2, perfect for buying a trilogy as I was told in the store CoD MW is a continuous story on CoD4 MW continuing in MW2 and MW3. A good thing I've asked, or I would have mistaken Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare for being the final part of a quartet series, instead of the start of a trilogy). So that's some nice material things to comfort my soul, for the lack of solace of a fully just, equal and sustainable world. But today was a good day, even though positive things too make my head spin and get tired.
Anyway, getting this off my chest now and listening to Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by Genesis, a birthday gift I got this weekend on CD. And for participating in the meeting (organised by a university worker who was collecting input for writing on a promotion paper) I got rewarded with a gift card and I will spend it on a discounted Call of Duty Modern Warfare trilogy for the PS3 (2nd hand, 3 for the price of 2, perfect for buying a trilogy as I was told in the store CoD MW is a continuous story on CoD4 MW continuing in MW2 and MW3. A good thing I've asked, or I would have mistaken Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare for being the final part of a quartet series, instead of the start of a trilogy). So that's some nice material things to comfort my soul, for the lack of solace of a fully just, equal and sustainable world. But today was a good day, even though positive things too make my head spin and get tired.
Post edited January 11, 2016 by DubConqueror

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted January 12, 2016
The pair of cats i now keep indoors have finally become chummy with each other!

Registered: Apr 2014
From Mexico
Posted January 12, 2016
Finally I have been able to reconnect to the Internet at Home. It happened last week that a gardener cut off the optic fiber cable and didn't tell us... My ISP finally decided today to bring a technician and get it replaced. I also had today the opportunity to know some distinguished old ladies at a french community class so that I now will be able to chat with them every tuesday or even other days because we belong to the same neighborhood.
Happy Today (01/12/2016) :)
Happy Today (01/12/2016) :)