DrDm: Clearly I'm an idiot but what are the offline backup installers? I just installed what I thought was the game, which took all day, only to find out it was this backup thing. So then I had to actually install the game, which wasn't named differently. I just clicked the install button so I don't know what happened. When I click the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided file in the offline backup installer section it just starts to download it again and I can't find whatever the fuck it installed on my computer.
I will try to be simple (even if explanations were given before)
Through a browser : (go at the end of this post in the contrary)
Offline installers : are just the files for a game (keep in mind some games require Galaxy for some features : Multiplayer; trophies etc..) :
So you download all files ( 1 *.exe and some *. bin)
in the same directory with your browser.
And you run the *.exe file which launch the installer (if you are on Windows)
As said before, the "backup installers" are named like this because, you can backup them where you want without any external service needed to install it. (ie : Galaxy)
I never used Galaxy, but it's also possible to download the offline installers through it.
Most of the games don't need Galaxy at all.
Read carefully the game product page if the game needs Galaxy for Multiplayer (it's mentionned normaly) and the game section for the game you mentionned in your library. I just checked, everything you need to know is mentionned except you need to download all parts for the backup files (that's not written but obvious).
See the screenshoot i took for BioShock 2 (the 1mb file is the .exe, others are .bin files), Sometimes not all files are not displayed at first, it's possible with the game you mentionned you need to close the window in you library and re-open it : if your resolution isn't high enough or for another reason (noticed this for The Evil Within).
Those informations are given for using with your browser. IF you use Galaxy, i can't really help. I read later you used Galaxy, so :
Since Galaxy 2.0 is still in beta stage : i suggest you drop it, if you have trouble to install a game.
Beta stage, means things are not totally finished.... The primary use of the client is to install the game without hassle, if you got this trouble i suspect the Galaxy design is questionable.
Since i don't use the client i may not understand properly what you did. But backup installers don't install the game without extra actions from you : reason you don't find the game installed, but you have probably all files required to install it somewhere on your computer, if you find where the files are located. If you have putted some screenshots i guess things would i have been easier for us since your initial explanations lacked of informations.