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I remember seeing an official GOG post about an upcoming game here some time ago.

It was an indie game with a female protagonist that gets transported into a world of anthropomorphic monsters (they live in human world and some took her into their world on a holiday/trip) and has this weird topdown action style combat on a single screen. You travel around with your monster friends and it features different conversation options as you talk to people you meet there, and one of the screenshots featured her asking a monster she met if he's bothered about her being a human.

It featured unique Western-style character portraits and I liked how it looked, however some people were hating on the game (presumably due to the graphics and content), even despite the fact that the game description was very vague about the battle system and only talked about the plot and having branching storyline paths (or at least conversation paths/endings) which seemed fun.
Post edited November 23, 2018 by Green_Hilltop
This question / problem has been solved by pkk234image
Is this it?
The World Next Door
It does look like The World Next Door ^
pkk234: Is this it?
The World Next Door
Indeed it is! Awesome, thank you!

I have no idea how come it's not (edit: wasn't ;)) on my wishlist.
Post edited November 23, 2018 by Green_Hilltop