kai2: I just can't believe the amount of weaponized down-voting in threads about...
... people's favorite games, GOG requests, giveaways, etc...
I understand down-voting if a person is clearly breaking GOG forum rules... or if they show consistently poor and disruptive behavior...
... but...
... harassing people because you simply don't like them is wrong.
I see people down-voted for being helpful, for congratulating others, and for offering to a discussion. It's crazy... and not how the reputation system was meant to be used.
SOME use it the proper way(like Greasy here just below your post and others), but
a few others hold grudges or
think they know how the site SHOULD be run(An example[I cannot think of one for someone else, so i'll use one of mine]: Some even chastised the mods for not closing some of my threads, instead of respecting their calls on interpreting the site's rules), so they down rate to show displeasure at some and the site itself(Also some others just like to troll, most likely).
kai2: It was meant to be an "early warning" system for mods but has become a weapon to harass and drive people from the site... often used by people interpreting GOG rules incorrectly. The sad thing is that many abusing the system in fact think they're justified in doing so. They feel it's fine to use their electronic scarlet letter to discredit people they see as their "foes."
It was also put in place to highlight which users made very helpful posts or very bad posts, so people knew who to trust more....it's not so much the case any more.
kai2: There's more than enough room on this forum for all opinions, types of people (respect), and game discussions. There is no room here for harassment.
Agreed, but many who might care left the site long ago due to various changes in gog policy and forum problems including the ones you mention, and the ones left mostly either don't want to get a target painted on them as well or are too busy/lazy to bother trying to get involved.
GreasyDogMeat: I press the negative button to close posts because my mouse wheel is broken. It makes scrolling down a lot easier. That's what it's for... right?
You know, you've unintentionally made a good point with this.....a hide button(where one could hide posts but NOT low rate) would be very helpful for some cases here.