SpecShadow: MachineGun Games - modern reincarnation of Wolfensten with as little modern stuff included as possible lead to creation of great game. Then New Collosus was released and you clearly see the decline in quality, but it was still playable and fun, most of the time.
Thought Wolfenstein The Old Blood was a brilliant shooter.
Mjauv: Monolith because of the crappy boring LOTR-games. What happened to all the amazing IPs they used to work on???
Monolith Games? Wow. I too miss some of their earlier games but I think their LOTR games have been very good (except for the WB Games loot-boxes and microtransactions that ultimately got stripped)
As for devs I've lost confidence in...
Bethesda Game Studios and Bioware. It just seems like they've lost the talent -- through retirements, to competition, etc. -- that built their companies. It doesn't feel like either knows how to make industry-leading games anymore.
Now, when I say Bethesda Games Studios, I'm talking about the dev studio and not the publisher Bethesda. Bethesda (publisher) has a couple of good dev studios, but Bethesda Game Studios has long ago diminished to a shadow of itself.