Posted July 05, 2012

New User
Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 05, 2012
lol, great minds think alike, and hopefully vote alike also!

Indigo Child
Registered: Oct 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 05, 2012
Yikes! Torchlight!
Although I alrerady own the game from the CD-Action magazine in Poland, maybe i will buy it again here. The reason - bugs in Polish translation and here the game will be in (hopefully bug-free) English.
Alternative option could be a mod changing the language into English (translation mods exists), but I can't find it anywhere.
At the currect state, Torchlight loses (40% off). :(
And how about Torchlight II release on GOG as a new game? Good idea?
Although I alrerady own the game from the CD-Action magazine in Poland, maybe i will buy it again here. The reason - bugs in Polish translation and here the game will be in (hopefully bug-free) English.
Alternative option could be a mod changing the language into English (translation mods exists), but I can't find it anywhere.
At the currect state, Torchlight loses (40% off). :(
And how about Torchlight II release on GOG as a new game? Good idea?
Post edited July 05, 2012 by JamesBond007

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted July 05, 2012
Yeah but the Steam version has both uses both Steam and Tages DRM which for alot of people doesn't play nice.So even at a lower price it may not be worth it.

Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 05, 2012

Edit: Though if it hits the 60% off on GOG then the GOG version would be better...

Post edited July 05, 2012 by gameon

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted July 05, 2012
Steam version of Dark Athena has installation limits, afaik.

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Australia
Posted July 05, 2012
According to the Steam page: "After activating the game for a third time TAGES will start a 30-day timer. After 30 days you will get that activation back up to 3 total activations"
Doesn't sound that bad. If I ever get Dark Athena, I'll probably get it on Steam for a massive discount :P
Doesn't sound that bad. If I ever get Dark Athena, I'll probably get it on Steam for a massive discount :P

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted July 05, 2012
If waiting 30 days for having ability to install the game for fourth time, and installing Tages , that is the worst, most invasive DRM ever created on your machine doesn't sound that bad, what does? :P

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary
Posted July 05, 2012
I recall they stated they'd release it in September at the latest, so they're still in time.
keeveek: If waiting 30 days for having ability to install the game for fourth time, and installing Tages , that is the worst, most invasive DRM ever created on your machine doesn't sound that bad, what does? :P Well, I guess installing a game with Tages with only three activations with no way of recovering activations short of begging the creators to give you one more (as on Anno 1404 Venice, for example) ;-).
(NB: I don't say the 3 activations/30 days is a good idea, but it's still more tolerable than a game with unrevokable activations.)

(NB: I don't say the 3 activations/30 days is a good idea, but it's still more tolerable than a game with unrevokable activations.)

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted July 05, 2012
Hey if you want to deal with a pointless and unneeded system, who am I to tell you your wrong, it's you money spend it anyway you want. For me I find it stupid and pointless plus Tages does more then just enforce a needless 3 install limit it also installs "special" drivers on your PC and from previous experience is a chore to get rid off. Personally I don't like the idea of having DRM let alone any DRM that installs needless drivers on my machine.
Post edited July 05, 2012 by DCT

Registered: May 2009
From Belgium
Posted July 06, 2012
I have the original Riddick on DVD and almost bought this "remake" in order to play the Dark Athena part but never did because of that DRM. I don't hate DRM but I don't want online activations for solo games.
Now, I might get it here...
Now, I might get it here...

Goblin Masochist
Registered: Nov 2010
From Australia
Posted July 19, 2012
I wonder if this mornings...irregularities... will delay the release of the new game today?

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Not a new member
Registered: Dec 2011
From Australia
Posted July 19, 2012
No, They would build up to it majorly. BTW, good to see you around the forums! Haven't seen one of your posts for ages (Maybe i've been looking on the wrong topics.)