nightcraw1er.488: OMG it's not. It's just another yawnathon sale on the shovelware. Still at least there is profiles to keep us happy.
Tauto: Oh well,back to head banging the wall.
I find beer is better for headaches. Get M&B warband, prophesy of pendor had a new version recently and it's great fun. Bones of ragnvald is out as well. Not to mention the two GoThrones mods and perisno. Plenty to keep you going until bannerlord comes out, if that ever happens.
nightcraw1er.488: OMG it's not. It's just another yawnathon sale on the shovelware. Still at least there is profiles to keep us happy.
Tauto: Oh well,back to head banging the wall.
Well, I did just post this but it vanished, great forum software!
Beer is better for headache. Get M&B warband, prophesy of pendor just got an update, great mod. Not to mention GoT mods, bones of ragnvald, and perisno. Loads to play until bannerlord comes out, if that ever happens!