xa_chan: LEGO LOTR, LEGO Harry Potter, LEGO....
Never mind. All the LEGO games, execpt the earliest ones (the ones not voiced, like the Indiana Jones or the Early Star Wars ones) are solid games.
It all boils down to which universe you like the most. For example nightcraw1er.488 said that the Star Wars ones are the best, which I completely disagree with, mainly because I've always found Star Wars (the movies and the universe) dull and boring. On the contrary, I love Harry Potter, so of course, the related LEGO games will be pretty high on my recommended list ! ;)
So, which universe do you like the most? Don't underestimate non-franchise LEGO games, like The Movie or City undercover. I bought the last one merely as a completist and ended having a real blast with it!
No, I said the Star Wars new are the ones which first captivated me. I don't mind Star Wars and that helped, but it was more than that, a well thought out line through the game, lots of hidden bits to find, a nice central hub, and lots of original humour along with nods to the film. The usual mechanisms which are in all the games are there, but this one just had the extra bits. Batman did too, to a lesser extent, Indy not so much, and LotR, hobbit, jurrassic park set did not have any. All universes I like particularly I would choose LotR over SW. So whilst that is a factor, it's not the complete story. And yes, I don't like potter at all, neither the books nor the game had any interest for me.