User2570289: Downvoting in a thread is not the same as writing a game review with few stars. While the former can simply mean a disagreement with the writer, the latter has a huge impact on sales for GoG and the developers.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I'd say they are the same, because they are both forms of trolling.
And downvoting threads/posts can certainly also have a huge impact on sales for GOG and the developers, because the victims of the downvoting will likely stop buying lots of games on GOG due to them having been cyber-bullied and made to feel unwelcome on GOG, by way of GOG allowing the "downvoting" system to continue to exist (really, GOG should abolish it 100% in order to prevent such cyber-bullying from occurring on the GOG platform).
And maybe some of those victims of downvoting cyber-bullying are "whales" too, who would otherwise have bought tons of games on GOG.
Well, that's not what I was talking about. nightcraw1er.488 took the downvotes from this thread as evidence of mass downvotes. In fact, a single person can do that and is not proof that every dude who downvotes is polarizing.
You are mixing forum votes with helpfull/not helfull votings in the reviews. May be the helfull/not helpfull votings have a bigger impact, but even if that were the case, we wouldn't be able to estimate how big this impact is. So why would we make a big thing out of something we don't even have any helpful information about?