Ancient-Red-Dragon: But the
real problem is that regional pricing is unfair and discriminatory and should not exist. The problem you mentioned is just a sub-problem of that main one.
The OP & others are absolutely right to complain about it. Regional pricing should be abolished, and so should lootbox gambling sales, and all other unethical things in which GOG participates.
Totally agree. If a thing has a value to its seller, it has a value. That value is determined by the seller based on their expense and desire for profit. It shouldn't fluctuate based on where the item is sold, because that depends on people to pay more than the market value in some places to make up for people paying less than the market value in others, or raising the market value overall to accommodate the lesser sales income from other regions. Why should Australia, the EU or the US have to make up for sales in Russia, Singapore or South America?