wolfsrain: The better question: will Win10 be compatible with anything?!
True, and one that is rarely asked. In fact, almost every one of these Windows 10-related threads blames either gog or the devs for not getting the game working right on Win10, instead of blaming Microsoft for breaking all backwards compatibility. I mean, Microsoft could've made the OS backwards compatible, but why should they bother? It will sell regardless of what they do. Apparently Win10 is already on well over half a billion computers. Maybe they get a bit of bad press for a short while, but they still rake it in, and take absolutely no blame for abandoning all the old software. Given the huge churn of press MS generates all the time, anything bad will be drowned in short order, anyway. Instead, people would rather have companies like Beamdog that graciously make old stuff work on "modern OSes" for an additional charge. Five years from now, we'll be hearing the exact same complaints about the latest OS from Redmond, again blaming the game devs for not continuing to maintain software long after making substantial money from it (or blaming gog for daring to sell it). Where's the backlash against Microsoft? I guess nobody cares, because they "have" to use whatever crap MS gives them (disclaimer: I don't use Windows). Yes, I know some people do, in fact, blame MS, but these are few and far between, and even those still want gog or a Beamdog-equivalent to fix the mess, knowing that MS won't.