GUANO176: As the title explains, I downloaded some of the goodies for witcher 3 a long time ago. I then tried to delete them from the folder but only moments later, I can see temporary files in the witcher folder (Documents\The Witcher 3). And sure enough, when the files disappear they turn into all the goodies I deleted.
This seems like a sync issue, of which I already have some problems getting to sync my saves.
Anyone got a solution ?
I assume you are using Galaxy?
Your going to have to be more clear... Galaxy doesn't download "goodies" ( ie, manual, wallpapers, map, avatars, etc.) into the Documents folder. It downloads them into the installation folder (by default) of the game or a custom location set by the user. The folder it downloads into is called "!Downloads". Though I can't remember were really old versions of Galaxy downloaded them.
It also doesn't sync goodies automatically, if you deleted them and then they got redownloaded you would see that in the download queue which is in the bottom right of Galaxy.
The only thing Galaxy will sync automatically is cloud saves.. whill usally means it just syncs the relevant folder usually in documents.
So if you goodies were stored in the witcher 3 documents folder then the problem is probably that the cloud saves feature is picking up the goodies which is a bad thing and re-sync's them when you play the Witcher 3. Goodies shouldn't be stored there, as this means your limited cloud space for saves is now filled with Witcher 3 goodies.
Try doing this... start the Witcher 3, leave it running and alt-tab to the desktop. Now delete the goodies. Go back into the Witcher 3 and exit the game. Now Galaxy should re-sync the files stored in the Documents\Witcher 3 to GOG servers without picking up the goodies (hopefully).