Posted December 09, 2014

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014

If they don't and I have to dig around for add-ons to make the game what I want it to be? I'll just take my lazy ass over to different people who've made a game I want and have it all ready for me as soon as I throw my money at them.
(Reminding myself of why I got sick to death of Skyrim and now have a copy of it collecting dust on a shelf in the corner. -laughs-)
(Well, besides Skyrim's plot being so frigging stupid and every choice being so meaningless that I ended up being a cross between altruistic puppy rescuer and homicidally gleeful mass murderer and scourge of the countryside, and noone gave a shit about any of it ever.)
Post edited December 09, 2014 by CarrionCrow

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted December 09, 2014
I'm Batman

Registered: May 2011
From United States

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted December 09, 2014
Hey, giant twitching eyeball that spews smoke while telepathically talking to itself. Good to meet you too. You remind me of my good friend Count Dracula.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014
Well, I'll take that as a compliment, all things considered. =)

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted December 09, 2014
Post edited December 09, 2014 by huN73R

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted December 09, 2014
And for the people who encouraged and provided support to the rise of this abomination.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014
Okay, another question for whoever might still be awake and have some kind of info - How is Rayman overall, as a series?

wild space lemon
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014

So the "multi-" in multiplayer options then, meant a rather different number of contestants/matches, then we think of in terms of it now, lol.
In fact it was the first Unreal Tournament that was really the bigger deal. That and Quake III Arena were the first AAA dedicated deathmatch games to compete with the original "Team Fortress", if memory serves.
Unreal 2 I know less about, but Unreal was mostly marketed as a single player game I think. The expansion pack was also pretty much SP, though the devs officially released a free downloadable Bonus Map Pack, separate from the expansion, which was also kind of a new thing I think.
edit: wikipedia tells me Unreal 2 was originally SP-only, unlike its predecessors. It wasn't until the expansion for that one that MP was shoe-horned in.

If they don't and I have to dig around for add-ons to make the game what I want it to be? I'll just take my lazy ass over to different people who've made a game I want and have it all ready for me as soon as I throw my money at them.
EDIT: no idea on Rayman, I'm afraid, other than that a friend from my college days had a huge lady-hard-on for the games. Never did play 'em, tho.
Post edited December 09, 2014 by sedricm

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014

So the "multi-" in multiplayer options then, meant a rather different number of contestants/matches, then we think of in terms of it now, lol.
In fact it was the first Unreal Tournament that was really the bigger deal. That and Quake III Arena were the first AAA dedicated deathmatch games to compete with the original "Team Fortress", if memory serves.
Unreal 2 I know less about, but Unreal was mostly marketed as a single player game I think. The expansion pack was also pretty much SP, though the devs officially released a free downloadable Bonus Map Pack, separate from the expansion, which was also kind of a new thing I think.
edit: wikipedia tells me Unreal 2 was originally SP-only, unlike its predecessors. It wasn't until the expansion for that one that MP was shoe-horned in.

If they don't and I have to dig around for add-ons to make the game what I want it to be? I'll just take my lazy ass over to different people who've made a game I want and have it all ready for me as soon as I throw my money at them.

EDIT: no idea on Rayman, I'm afraid, other than that a friend from my college days had a huge lady-hard-on for the games. Never did play 'em, tho.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2014
Well, got all of Rayman. Looks good, and if I'm going to lean towards something, might as well wipe it out. That's been my philosophy for GOG, why change now. -laughs-

Grumpy Old Man
Registered: Dec 2009
From Australia
Posted December 09, 2014
Had a lot of fun with the early rayman games back in the day. Have not played Origins. Wonder if we will ever get legends here?
I did that with unreal as well. Played the gold a bit on a mates pc many many years ago. Bought unreal II cos it was there.
I did that with unreal as well. Played the gold a bit on a mates pc many many years ago. Bought unreal II cos it was there.