Posted March 13, 2012

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland

In HARM's way
Registered: Jan 2011
From Norway

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany
Posted March 13, 2012
Is that even true? Changing my location from Germany to USA didn't affect the price of TW2 at all, it always says $39.99 for me. Maybe when logging in to PayPal it will change to a higher price in EUR, I dunno, but I believe the location you choose in the account settings has nothing to do with it. Wasn't GOG forced by Namco Bandai to use IP adresses to determine your location instead of what users choose as their location themselves?
Post edited March 13, 2012 by Leroux

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted March 13, 2012

EDIT: And it shows USD all the time for me. So is it a worldwide flat price now? I just don't know.
Post edited March 13, 2012 by bazilisek

Registered: Aug 2011
From Vatican City
Posted March 13, 2012
Yeah, all GOG transactions are in USD. You do have VAT or sales tax added depending on your location but that is also in USD. I assume that one of the reasons they put in the IP check, in the US sales tax is less than 10%, in the EU VAT is 20%. Still cheaper for us than paying in £ or € though :).