Posted August 22, 2010

I could live with the controls if the game had been less centered about enemies, and I could live with the enemies if the controls had been less restrictive, but not both.
I see where you're coming from. The point is, however, that much depends on the player's approach. If one keeps on fighting enemies, he only allows other enemies to spawn and get closer, and so the player finds himself in a spiral; if, instead, one focuses on the map, takes quick (but not quicker than necessary) decisions, moves and avoids enemies as much as possible, things change drastically. The presence of enemies is an element that pressures the player to go on, to never stop, to understand what to do as quickly as possible and adds a special thrill to the quest; but if the player lets enemies grab his attention, then he has already failed. In short, it's not the presence of enemies per se that automatically makes the game a shooter. F.ex., a guy, in the past, told me he was overwhelmed by enemies to the point that he found it difficult to finish the first phase of the mission "tougher and tougher": well, that phase can indeed be finished in 27 seconds without shooting even once! The following phase, also, despite being much more complicated, still can be completed without shooting much - and, if one is really good, without shooting at all, except in the case of the end-of-phase boss. Actually, all missions can - and should - be completed without shooting much. That's the key.
Finally, you can be sure I have set each and every parameter carefully so that what I say above isn't just an abstract design discussion ;)

As I said, it's completely OK with me if one isn't part of my "target demographic"; what saddens me is when that happens because the gamer hasn't (really) understood the game - admittedly, BOH isn't an easy game to appreciate: in fact, one can really get a good idea of it only after playing thoroughly at least all the tutorial missions, the "an easy job" mission and the first 3 phases of the "tougher and tougher" mission (it's a direct consequence of its obscure, mazey, puzzling nature).
Are you referring to the fact that the themes change, perhaps? If so, just FYI, you can control how that happens. The default setting is that the theme cycles to the next one every time one returns to the menu after a game. But one can set that to happen only when the game is started, or whether the theme should be chosen randomly. Of course, one can also choose a specific theme (see the OPTIONS->THEME menu).
Yes, you immediately receive the download link so that you can play the game before the package even arrives (the package ships within a working day).
Post edited August 22, 2010 by saimo