Avogadro6: You know what, nevermind, you came here to talk about how much you like warcraft and I was the jerk that came in to do the exact opposite. Maybe once you'll get more familiar with the lore you'll change your mind, or maybe not, but there's no point arguing further.
Just posting one last time to make sure you noticed the links for those Wc3 maps you asked before, I posted them a couple of pages ago.
Don't worry, I myself asked for you to explain, I was curious and wanted to understand. I think we have just different perspectives here, I too don't like the aspects you mentioned (in the most part) but I like some things so much, that I overlook that. It's the glass half-empty / half-full kind of thing.
One thing to notice is that your reasons are different than Dodogeo's - yours is inconsistency, his is a different art / lore / plot direction than he wanted.
I noticed the links and already said thank you few posts before :)
Feeling kinda WoWish, becouse i'm playing the orcish RPGesque WC3:TFT campaign. I'll be soon revisiting WoW.
Elenarie: I preordered MoP. Cost me around 18 EUR, because I already had some money from D3's RMAH.
I will be done with the thesis by release, so hopefully, I'll be there for my first ever launch event. :D
Missed Cataclysm and Diablo 3, but won't miss this one. :D
How can you "miss" Cataclysm :) you have to go through cataclysm in order to reach MoP :) and the changed zones are there still