Elmofongo: By the way how is the story so far in the series I stoped at 2 could not play Brotherhood because the game was a little hard because it was made for co-op (and that was 2 years ago I last played) is the story still consistant or are we gonna face Mass Effect 3 like rage with Assassins Creed 3?
Whitecroc: Not sure if we're talking about the same game here? AC has never had coop as a feature. The story is fine, but kinda stretched out. I hope they wrap up the main story in AC3 (yeah, right).
I'm looking forward to AC3 and WoW: MoP right now. This year's autumn isn't as cool as last year's.
really I though co-op was introduced in Brotherhood and agian in Revelations
JudasIscariot: Shadowrun Returns and Wasteland 2 :D
Miaghstir: True, true, Elmofongo didn't specify
which September or December, might as well be next year. Shadowrun Returns is said to be released in January though, no? Of course, if it's between now and December next year, both are within the timeframe.
Yeah perhaps I should have so can any mods write 2012 next to December please