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I know because Mary Shelley is amongst my favorite writers. The Last Man didn't quite receive the acclaim it deserved unlike its more fortunate predecessor for being too bleak and depressing....somehow that adds to its lure because it was the last novel she ever wrote.

Lionel212008: Mary Shelley's "The last man" - btw it would be very difficult to procure a paperback. The novel is very good and was the only other one she wrote.
tangledblue11: Excellent call. I have never met another person who has read The Last Man. Personally, I consider it the best post-apocolyptic material around.
Question: anyone played this? (the Repopulation)

it seems kinda PA, but also it could be Sci-Fi (seems like another planet but who knows, I haven't looked deep enough to find out).

If anyone has: what is it, how is it, Blah, Blah
pingu53: Mad Max trilogy is an obvious one
Quadrilogy, they're making a new one. Unfortunately, they're replacing Mel Gibson with someone less batshit insane.

I'm not familiar with Tom Hardy, but we'll see how he does.
Elmofongo: bump

i would like someone to critique the story i posted above and offer their opinion please :)
I'd be happy to. Where is it? All I see is a synopsis.
Elmofongo: bump

i would like someone to critique the story i posted above and offer their opinion please :)
DieRuhe: I'd be happy to. Where is it? All I see is a synopsis.

I would like to ask, what do you think of my own story of post apocalyptic story I had in my head for awhile now.

(Note its pretty long)

It basically borrow much of Fallout but without the fiction, it has more realism, none that 1950s esq elements, and none of that crazy super mutants, people that are heavily irratiated aka ghouls can stay, but calling them Zombies is a deragatory word, real zombies on the other hand, I am divided.

The catch is world war 3 happenend in 2015 and later the nuclear exchange happened 5 yeras later, the story revolves around a 30 year old man who was in the war when it began, he is a very well trained and skilled soldier with a very serious,but charismatic personality, he surevived the nuclear fallout and has been surviving in the destroyed world for 10 years, and in those 10 years he had many setpiece adventures.

The climax is that originally he was trying to find a way to get to a hospitalble island since obviously not every place in the world is destroyed, however he discovers that the old governments began the war were still alive and planing something terrible, so he began to unite every survivors of the world, civilian, former soldiers,etc. to band together againsts the old governments that destroyed the world in a people's revolution. The protaginist is the leader the people's revolution who basically to the is like the next Che Guevara or the new Jesus and whatnot, after they defeated the first bad guys, the protaginist and his followers took the resources and took this revolution global against the belligerents of the old war that destroyed the world. In the end World War 4 happened with great victory of the People's Revolution, after a long time the world started to rejuvinate, and the people began to rebuild and true global peace is assured.

To long, didn't read

So what do you think?
DieRuhe: I'd be happy to. Where is it? All I see is a synopsis.
Elmofongo: here:

I would like to ask, what do you think of my own story of post apocalyptic story I had in my head for awhile now.

(Note its pretty long)

It basically borrow much of Fallout but without the fiction, it has more realism, none that 1950s esq elements, and none of that crazy super mutants, people that are heavily irratiated aka ghouls can stay, but calling them Zombies is a deragatory word, real zombies on the other hand, I am divided.

The catch is world war 3 happenend in 2015 and later the nuclear exchange happened 5 yeras later, the story revolves around a 30 year old man who was in the war when it began, he is a very well trained and skilled soldier with a very serious,but charismatic personality, he surevived the nuclear fallout and has been surviving in the destroyed world for 10 years, and in those 10 years he had many setpiece adventures.

The climax is that originally he was trying to find a way to get to a hospitalble island since obviously not every place in the world is destroyed, however he discovers that the old governments began the war were still alive and planing something terrible, so he began to unite every survivors of the world, civilian, former soldiers,etc. to band together againsts the old governments that destroyed the world in a people's revolution. The protaginist is the leader the people's revolution who basically to the is like the next Che Guevara or the new Jesus and whatnot, after they defeated the first bad guys, the protaginist and his followers took the resources and took this revolution global against the belligerents of the old war that destroyed the world. In the end World War 4 happened with great victory of the People's Revolution, after a long time the world started to rejuvinate, and the people began to rebuild and true global peace is assured.

To long, didn't read

So what do you think?
That's not a story, it's a description of a story. :-) Did you already write it or are you asking what we think of the idea? I always enjoy reading what other people write.
Elmofongo: here:

I would like to ask, what do you think of my own story of post apocalyptic story I had in my head for awhile now.

(Note its pretty long)

It basically borrow much of Fallout but without the fiction, it has more realism, none that 1950s esq elements, and none of that crazy super mutants, people that are heavily irratiated aka ghouls can stay, but calling them Zombies is a deragatory word, real zombies on the other hand, I am divided.

The catch is world war 3 happenend in 2015 and later the nuclear exchange happened 5 yeras later, the story revolves around a 30 year old man who was in the war when it began, he is a very well trained and skilled soldier with a very serious,but charismatic personality, he surevived the nuclear fallout and has been surviving in the destroyed world for 10 years, and in those 10 years he had many setpiece adventures.

The climax is that originally he was trying to find a way to get to a hospitalble island since obviously not every place in the world is destroyed, however he discovers that the old governments began the war were still alive and planing something terrible, so he began to unite every survivors of the world, civilian, former soldiers,etc. to band together againsts the old governments that destroyed the world in a people's revolution. The protaginist is the leader the people's revolution who basically to the is like the next Che Guevara or the new Jesus and whatnot, after they defeated the first bad guys, the protaginist and his followers took the resources and took this revolution global against the belligerents of the old war that destroyed the world. In the end World War 4 happened with great victory of the People's Revolution, after a long time the world started to rejuvinate, and the people began to rebuild and true global peace is assured.

To long, didn't read

So what do you think?
DieRuhe: That's not a story, it's a description of a story. :-) Did you already write it or are you asking what we think of the idea? I always enjoy reading what other people write.
Sadly I did not wrote a real story, I am not really a writer I have skills in the field, but still what do you think of the description do you think it would be a great story?
JudasIscariot: snip
Of course as Poles we should not forget about: Głowa Kasandry by Marek Baraniecki
JudasIscariot: snip
tburger: Of course as Poles we should not forget about: Głowa Kasandry by Marek Baraniecki
Interesting, I'll have to look for that one :D. Right now, I am working through Sługa Boży by Jacek Piekara:D
tburger: Of course as Poles we should not forget about: Głowa Kasandry by Marek Baraniecki
JudasIscariot: Interesting, I'll have to look for that one :D. Right now, I am working through Sługa Boży by Jacek Piekara:D
A Ork book? :P
JudasIscariot: Interesting, I'll have to look for that one :D. Right now, I am working through Sługa Boży by Jacek Piekara:D
Tarm: A Ork book? :P
Nope. It's a series of stories about an Inquisitor (not related to the game of the same name) :D
Tarm: A Ork book? :P
JudasIscariot: Nope. It's a series of stories about an Inquisitor (not related to the game of the same name) :D
Couldn't resist. I read Slugga Boyz at first. :)

An Inquisitor you say? Sounds like a good premise.
Telika: That's a bit The Postman.

I'm less into messianic stuff than simple dudes survival à la Damnation Alley.

But that's just me.
A horrible movie based on an excellent book, The Postman by David Brin.

I strongly recommend the book to anyone who has not read yet (I was fortunate enough to do it before seeing the movie).

Also, Earth Abides by George R. Stewart:

"Earth Abides begins in the United States during the 1940s, set largely in the Berkeley, California area, within sight of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge. Most of the Earth's population has perished from a virulent airborne disease. Isherwood "Ish" Williams, who had been temporarily living in a solitary California mountain cabin, is one of the survivors of the pandemic. He emerges from his scientific studies in the mountains to find his entire world barren of people. Isherwood explores the empty world and then settles down with a handful of survivors to begin the process of restoring the human race and civilization."

Source: Wikipedia
Post edited October 02, 2012 by Thespian*
A Canticle for Leibowitz.

Just read it.